Javascript implementation of Dunning's T-Digest for streaming quantile approximation
The T-Digest is a data structure and algorithm for constructing an approximate distribution for a collection of real numbers presented as a stream. The algorithm makes no guarantees, but behaves well enough in practice that implementations have been included in Apache Mahout and ElasticSearch for computing summaries and approximate order statistics over a stream.
For an overview of T-Digest's behavior, see Davidson-Pilon's blog post regarding a python implementation. For more details, there are the tdigest paper and reference implementation (Java). This javascript implementation is based on a reading of the paper, with some boundary and performance tweaks.
- asArray() -> toArray()
- redigest() -> compact()
- digest() -> push()
- pushing an array no longer triggers compaction
A grunt build task has been added to create a UMD-wrapped version of tdigest and dependencies for importing as a standalone module in client-side javascript.
npm install tdigest
var TDigest = require('tdigest').TDigest;
var x=[], N = 100000;
for (var i = 0 ; i < N ; i += 1) {
x.push(Math.random() * 10 - 5);
tdigest = new TDigest();
console.log("median ~ "+tdigest.percentile(0.5));
See also example.js in this package.
The following grunt tasks are configured (via the grunt-dry dev dependency) to generate a UMD-wrapped version of tdigest that can be loaded through a variety of front-end module systems:
grunt build
Uses grunt-pure-cjs to generate browser/tdigest.js and browser/specs/*.spec.js by bundling the commonjs files into a single file for both the module itself and any mocha spec files.
grunt test
Runs unit tests using server-side mocha in node.js from specs/*.js
and in browser using `browser/specs/*.js.
(the npm test script is configured to run this as well)