This sample uses AngularJS and Spring REST to implement a tic-tac-toe game
JAVA 7 or later
Maven 1.3 or later
Tomcat 7 or later
Chrome version 49 or later (!!Have tested only on Chrome!!)
pom.xml - Moven build file
index.jsp - Tic-Tac-Toe home page
frontcontroller.js - JavaScript front-end controller for game board display, game logic, and invocation to web services
main.css - Basic styles for the page.
servelet-context.xml - Spring configuration
TictactoeController.java - Server side controller
TictactoeServiceImp.java - Server side service program
Board.java - Game board model (n x n squares)
Square.java - Model of Square (an unit of game board)
ResponseData.java - JSON data object model for data exchange between server and client
Constants.java - Central constants reservoir
JavaDoc generated documents in Doc directory.
- Fix angular rendering issue - no immediate update on screen when a binding value is changed, i.e., the last clicking is not marked before win is declared.
- Add server playing strategies (AI) to simulate levels as beginner, experienced, and expert players.
- Test and make this sample work on other browsers except Chrome.
- Extend board size beyond 3x3.
- Build docker images to scale out in high volume.
- Add new features, e.g., use local storage to save state for revisits, record playing history, add complexity options.
Copyright (C) 2017 Wendong Wang.