First of all, thank you for contributing, you're awesome!
To have your code integrated in the API Platform project, there are some rules to follow, but don't panic, it's easy!
If you happen to find a bug, we kindly request you to report it. However, before submitting it, please:
- Check the project documentation available online
Then, if it appears that it's a real bug, you may report it using GitHub by following these 3 points:
- Check if the bug is not already reported!
- A clear title to resume the issue
- A description of the workflow needed to reproduce the bug
NOTE: Don't hesitate giving as much information as you can (OS, PHP version extensions...)
If you find a security issue, send a mail to Kévin Dunglas [email protected]. Please do not report security problems publicly. We will disclose details of the issue and credit you after having released a new version including a fix.
First of all, you must decide on what branch your changes will be based depending of the nature of the change. See the dedicated documentation entry.
The API Platform project follows Symfony coding standards. But don't worry, you can fix CS issues automatically using the PHP CS Fixer tool:
php-cs-fixer.phar fix
And then, add the fixed file to your commit before pushing. Be sure to add only your modified files. If any other file is fixed by cs tools, just revert it before committing.
When you send a PR, just make sure that:
- You add valid test cases (Behat and PHPUnit).
- Tests are green.
- You make a PR on the related documentation in the api-platform/docs repository.
- You make the PR on the same branch you based your changes on. If you see commits that you did not make in your PR, you're doing it wrong.
- Also don't forget to add a comment when you update a PR with a ping to the maintainers, so he/she will get a notification.
- Squash your commits into one commit (see the next chapter).
All Pull Requests must include this header.
On api-platform/core
there are two kinds of tests: unit (phpunit
) and integration tests (behat
Both phpunit
and behat
are development dependencies and should be available in the vendor
To launch unit tests:
vendor/bin/phpunit --stop-on-failure -vvv
If you want coverage, you will need the phpdbg
package and run:
phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html coverage -vvv --stop-on-failure
Sometimes there might be an error with too many open files when generating coverage. To fix this, you can increase the ulimit
, for example:
ulimit -n 4000
Coverage will be available in coverage/index.html
The command to launch Behat tests is:
./vendor/bin/behat --suite=default --stop-on-failure -vvv
If you want to launch Behat tests for MongoDB, the command is:
APP_ENV=mongodb ./vendor/bin/behat --suite=mongodb --stop-on-failure -vvv
If you have 3 commits, start with:
git rebase -i HEAD~3
An editor will be opened with your 3 commits, all prefixed by pick
Replace all pick
prefixes by fixup
(or f
) except the first commit of the list.
Save and quit the editor.
After that, all your commits will be squashed into the first one and the commit message will be the first one.
If you would like to rename your commit message, type:
git commit --amend
Now force push to update your PR:
git push --force-with-lease
When you open a Pull Request to the API Platform project, you agree to license your code under the MIT license and to transfer the copyright on the submitted code to Kévin Dunglas.
Be sure to you have the right to do that (if you are a professional, ask your company)!
If you include code from another project, please mention it in the Pull Request description and credit the original author.