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File metadata and controls

68 lines (48 loc) · 4.13 KB


I keep getting changes to tsconfig.json

This is probably because of us keeping files updated with the filesGlob option. The reason why we do this is because the official tsconfig.json spec does not support filesGlob. Therefore we keep files in sync with the filesGlob so that your team mates can use whatever editor they prefer (sublime text, visual studio etc.).

You can now disable this behavior by setting the rewriteTsconfig flag to false in your project's tsconfig.json under the atom key.

Further Details

For really large projects atom-typescript gets slow

If you have tsconfig.json in a folder that contains node_modules, atom-typescript might become slow (due to extensive file listing). Two possible fixes:

  • Move tsconfig.json into a sub folder e.g. src
  • Add a filesGlob that excludes node_modules e.g.:
"filesGlob" : [

Further Details.

I don't want atom-typescript compiling my js

Set compileOnSave : false in your tsconfig.json ( Then you've got all the intellisense / refactoring goodness of atom-typescript but no generated JavaScript. Why is this useful? Well you might be using something else for your build such as ts-loader or tsify or gulp-typescript.

Which version of TypeScript does atom-typescript use?

It uses ntypescript which is just a build of Microsoft/Master. This means it's the latest and greatest of the TypeScript goodness. There is a possibility that in the future it will move to TypeScript nightlies but our current automation is working well.

Can I use a custom TypeScript compiler?

If it conforms the latest TypeScript services API then yes! Just set the path to typescriptServices.js in the package options.

Can I use an alternate transpiler?

Atom-typescript supports using Babel as an alternate ES5 transpiler in coordination with the TypeScript language service. This may be useful if TypeScript does not yet support transpiling a certain feature correctly (for example scope per for loop iteration with let).

To enable using Babel as the transpiler, make these changes to your tsconfig.json file:

1: Add this key in the root:

 "externalTranspiler": "babel"

2: Set the target compiler option to "es6". This is not technically required, but if you don't do this, you'll just be transpiling an already-transpiled file.

Note that atom-typescript's Babel integraion works with in concert with the removeComments, sourceMap, and inlineSourceMap compiler options settings in tsconfig.json, so those items should just work as expected. Any source maps should be doubly-mapped back to the original TypeScript.

I prefer single (or double) quotes

You can set that in the package settings

Atom Typescript is complaining about not finding files or other weird errors

You probably deleted them or added them or moved them around. We don't watch the file system as it is memory intensive and unreliable across operating systems. You can ask atom-typescript to do a rescan of your file system using the sync command (

Failed to Update

This can happen particularly on windows (relevant issue) as it is not possible to delete a file if it is executing. Close all atom instances and run the following commands:

apm uninstall atom-typescript
apm install atom-typescript

Failed to install

Follow the same steps as specified in failed to update.

How can I contribute
