rtpmidi can be controlled using a UNIX socket file. By default it is at
WARNING: This directory may not exist or not have proper permissions. The
final location can be set at execution time with ./rtpmidid --control PATH
or create and allow the default location with (replace USER with your username):
sudo mkdir /var/run/rtpmidid/
sudo chown :USER /var/run/rtpmidid/
Current there is only a line based protocol: User writes a command with some parameters and a JSON answer is returned.
In the future a full JSON RPC protocol might be used.
There is a very basic CLI at cli/rtpmidid-cli.py
that receives command line
arguments and are sent as commands:
cli/rtpmidid-cli.py help
cli/rtpmidid-cli.py stats
cli/rtpmidid-cli.py connect Synth 3000
or the three in one, separate them with a single .
cli/rtpmidid-cli.py help . stats . connect Synth 3000
$ rlwrap nc -U /tmp/rtpmidid.sock
"version": "0.0.1",
"uptime": 200.0,
"clients": [
"servers": [
Hint: rlwrap
allows to use readline on any command that uses stdin, as netcat.
If there is an error the error
key will be present, and an optional code.
Shows some help about supported commands.
Shows stats about the current connections.
Stops rtpmidid
Creates the ALSA PORT for this HOST:PORT
PORT is 5004 by default.
Its possible to later connect something to this port so the real RTPMidi connection is created.
The server might send asynchornous events on some moments, for subscribed events (as connections, latency updates) or special events as shutdown.
They will be identified by "event" and then a "code" and "detail".
{"event": "close", "detail": "Shutdown", "code": 0}
Known events:
Server is shutting down and will not receive more commands.
There is limited size for commands to be received by the server, if too long this message is sent.