Looking to contribute something to BOOTSTRA.386?
Don't you worry! It's Easy!
Here's how you can help.
To file a bug you could
- file an issue on github.
- hit up the mailing list.
- send me an email.
- hit me up on facebook.
- mail me something with letters cut out from magazines.
- knock on my door at 4am and place into my palm, a dutifully hand-written description with annotated diagrams.
Preferably, I like a screen shot and context. Here's an example of a good bug:
The calculations for a span4 are done in a way that centering text doesn't follow the grid rules:
- All generated text must be vertically aligned. The letters should start at the same horizontal offset down the page, as a grid
- All generated text must be horizontally aligned. Borders, margins, and paddings must be a function of the height of the font or the height of the font / 2 if you are doing some special ASCII-like thing.
- Foreground colors can be any of the EGA 16 - background can only be the first 8.
- Things like shadows, darken, lighten, border-radius, underline, italics, bold - none of this is allowed - it has to have been able to have been generated in a generic ANSI terminal - think IBM AT era.
( * attractive intentional dust * )
use semi-colons, or don't - in fact, you can pad everything with semicolons. I mean, if the browser takes it, then that's really fine by me. Want to submit code like this?
;;function (obj, cb) {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;// Try to return quickly if there's nothing to do.;;;
;;;;if (obj.length === 0) { return; };;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;if (_.isArr(obj)) {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;} else {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;for( var key in obj ) {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;cb(key, obj[key]);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
That's fine. Really. I know sed. don't worry.
whatever you want. If you want to write:
if ( n === (
) {
I will consider you an awesome and creative human being and gladly accept your madness.
Be creative, have fun.
Different strokes ... have a good time - make the code awesome and fun to read - like a zine self-published at a co-op.
be more awesomer!
By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of the APLv2