This repository contains an R package for performing "Adaptive Shrinkage."
To install the ashr package first you need to install devtools
The main function in the ashr package is ash
. To get minimal help:
> library(ashr)
> ?ash
The ashr (Adaptive SHrinkage") package aims to provide simple, generic, and flexible methods to derive
shrinkage-based" estimates and credible intervals for unknown quantities
The ``adaptive" nature of the shrinkage is two-fold. First, the appropriate amount of shrinkage is determined from the data, rather than being pre-specified. Second, the amount of shrinkage undergone by each
The methods are based on treating the vectors
Specifically, we assume that the true
You can allow for asymmetric mixcompdist="halfuniform"
Then, we assume that the observations df
, the number of degrees of freedom used to estimate df
if you can.