- Put all fonts in the fonts folder to /usr/share/fonts/ and refresh font cache
sudo cp fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/ && fc-cache -rv
- Put slim.conf into /etc/
sudo cp slim.conf /etc/
- Put the custom folder to /usr/share/slim/themes/
sudo cp -r custom/ /usr/share/slim/themes/
- Create symbolic link for slim background to ~/.wallpaper/slim.png
sudo ln -s ~/.wallpaper/slim.png /usr/share/slim/themes/custom/background.png
Slim requires .xinitrc to execute WM/DE sessions. So, put .xinitrc to user's home directory.
cp .xinitrc ~/
More information is available on the Arch Wiki.
Edit the slim.conf file.
- Screenshots - F11
screenshot_cmd scrot -e 'mv $f /home/username/Pictures/'
If you want a slim bluesky theme it's also available at bluesky.tar.xz.