title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
Filters |
Filters allow easy, more granular control over assignment scope of policies and apps. |
true |
2022-10-08 22:44:39 UTC |
intune, policy, apps, filters |
markdown |
2022-10-08 22:07:37 UTC |
MEM Portal Links (all pages do the same thing):-
When you create an app, config or compliance policy, you can use filters to assign it based on rules you create. A filter allows you to narrow the assignment scope of a policy. For example, use filters to target devices with a specific OS version, device manufacturer, target only personal devices or only organization-owned devices, and more.
Be aware that while filters share a similar syntax to AAD Dynamic Groups, they have a limited set of available properties. They are however far more performant at scale than utilising complex Dynamic Device Group rules, so try to use them instead of creating a new group (where possible).
Filters are not supported for all workloads! For current filter support, refer to: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/fundamentals/filters-supported-workloads {.is-warning}
How Filters Work1
How Filters Work image from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/fundamentals/filters ↩