English | 简体中文
An intranet file transfer tool based on umijs + electron + javascript
Support different systems to transfer files. Transfer files between computers or mobile phones, no size limit.
|-- build
| |-- icon.icns // MacOS icon
| |-- icon.ico // Windows icon
| |-- webpack.base.config.js // electron-webpack base config
| |-- webpack.main.config.js // electron-webpack dev config
| `-- webpack.main.prod.config.js // electron-webpack prod config
|-- dist // build dist
| |-- main // main dist
| `-- renderer // render dist
|-- release // release folder
|-- src // code folder
| |-- main // main process code
| | -- main.js // main.js
| | -- koa.js // koa server
| | -- db.js // db
| | -- helper.js // public method
| `-- renderer // umi code
| |-- assets
| |-- config
| | |-- config.js // umijs config
| |-- pages
| `-- index.js
| |-- public
| `-- renderer.js
|-- package.json
`-- README.md
$ yarn
- start the rendering process with the following command(default port:8000)
$ yarn start:renderer
- start the main process
$ yarn start:main
$ npm run pack // 打包macOS
$ npm run exe // 打包windows
If you want to package the code into a dmg file or zip file, you can execute the following command
$ npm run dist