Status: early version!
pivot makes it easy to rearrange JSON objects (or other objects). It takes 3 arguments, then you call run():
pivot(data, inputSchema, outputSchema).run()
The schemas use a simple string format like this: "top-key -> middle-key -> value". You can call the keys anything you like - they get matched between inputSchema and outputSchema.
pivot can sum numbers and collect multiple values into arrays (this and other settings can be configured).
Let's see a few examples:
In html? Download pivot.js, then use: <script src='pivot.js'></script>
In node? npm install data-pivot
var mydata = {
monday: {apples:1},
tuesday: {apples:2, pears:1}
// Reverse the map: What day did I buy pears?
var daysByFruit = pivot(mydata,'day -> fruit -> n', 'fruit -> day').run();
// Multiple values become an array, single values are left as-is.
// So the output is {apples:['monday','tuesday'], pears:'tuesday'}
// Suppose we always want arrays, even if there's only one value.
// Use mode('array') like this:
var daysByFruit = pivot(mydata,'day -> fruit -> n', 'fruit -> day').mode('array').run();
// output is {apples:['monday','tuesday'], pears:['tuesday']}
// Forget the day (this will sum over the days)
var totalPerFruit = pivot(mydata,'day -> fruit -> n', 'fruit -> n').run();
// output is {apples:3, pears:1}
Also available in Python! The Python version is included here -- see