- This chart installs Druid Operator, which can deploy druid cluster on kubernetes.
- This chart has been tested using helm version 3.
To install the chart:
$ git clone https://github.com/druid-io/druid-operator.git
$ cd charts
$ helm install druid .
The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the druid Oparator chart and their default values.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default value |
replicaCount | yes | describes how many pods should handle the workload | 1 |
image.repository | yes | describes the image repository | druidio/druid-operator |
image.tag | yes | describes the image tag | 0.0.1 |
image.pullPolicy | yes | describes the image pullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
rbac.enabled | yes | describes if the rbac is enabled in the cluster | true |
rbac.apiversion | yes | describes rbac api version | v1beta1 |
resources | no | resources can be specified to operator pods | {} |
nodeSelector | no | nodeSelector can be specified to operator pods | {} |
tolerations | no | tolerations can be specified to operator pods | {} |
affinity | no | affinity can be specified to operator pods | {} |