A short guide to install this package is below. The package relies on mujoco-py
which might be the trickiest part of the installation. See known issues
below and also instructions from the mujoco-py page if you are stuck with mujoco-py installation.
The package can handle both MuJoCo v1.5
as well as MuJoCo v2.0
, but the former is not supported for future updates. We encourage you to use v2.0.
- Download MuJoCo v2.0 binaries from the official website and also obtain the license key.
- Unzip the downloaded
directory into~/.mujoco/mujoco200
, and place your license key (mjkey.txt) at~/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
. Note that unzip of the MuJoCo binaries will generatemujoco200_linux
. You need to rename the directory and place it at~/.mujoco/mujoco200
. - Install osmesa related dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglew-dev libosmesa6-dev build-essential libglfw3
- Update
by adding the following lines and source it
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<path/to/.mujoco>/mujoco200/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
alias MJPL='LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLEW.so:/usr/lib/nvidia-384/libGL.so'
- Install this package using
$ conda update conda
$ cd <path/to/mjrl>
$ conda env create -f setup/env.yml
$ source activate mjrl-env
$ pip install -e .
NOTE 1: If there are issues with install of pytorch, please follow instructions from the pytorch website to install it properly based on the specific version of CUDA (or CPU-only) you have.
NOTE 2: If you encounter a patchelf error in mujoco_py install, you can fix this with the following command when inside the anaconda env:
conda install -c anaconda patchelf
. See this page for additional info.
- Download MuJoCo binaries from the official website and also obtain the license key.
- Unzip the downloaded
directory into~/.mujoco/mujoco200
(rename unzipped directory to this), and place your license key (mjkey.txt) at~/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
. - Update
by adding the following lines and source it
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<path/to/.mujoco>/mujoco200/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
- Install this package using
$ conda update conda
$ cd path/to/mjrl
$ conda env create -f setup/env.yml
$ source activate mjrl-env
$ pip install -e .
NOTE 1: If there are issues with install of pytorch, please follow instructions from the pytorch website to install it properly.
NOTE 2: If you encounter a patchelf error in mujoco_py install, you can fix this with the following command when inside the anaconda env:
conda install -c anaconda patchelf
. See this page for additional info.
- Visualization in linux: If the linux system has a GPU, then mujoco-py does not automatically preload the correct drivers. We added an alias
in bashrc (see instructions) which stands for mujoco pre-load. When runing any python script that requires rendering, prepend the execution with MJPL.
$ MJPL python script.py
- Errors related to osmesa during installation. This is a
build error and would likely go away if the following command is used before creating the conda environment. If the problem still persists, please contact the developers of mujoco-py
$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglew-dev libosmesa6-dev
- If conda environment creation gets interrupted for some reason, you can resume it with the following:
$ conda env update -n mjrl-env -f setup/env.yml
- GCC error in Mac OS: If you get a GCC error from mujoco-py, you can get the correct version mujoco-py expects with
brew install gcc --without-multilib
. This may require uninstalling other versions of GCC that may have been previously installed withbrew remove gcc@6
for example. You can see which brew packages were already installed withbrew list