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# README for INPARANOID version 4.0 # 11 June 2009 * Important notice: InParanoid 4.0 only supports BLAST version * 2.2.16 or higher. This program package detects complex orthologous relationships between the protein sequences from different genomes. It uses BLAST scores to measure relatedness of proteins. InParanoid assigns confidence values for all paralogs in each group. It is also able to calculate confidence for orthologs using bootstrap approach. References: 1. Remm,M., Storm, C. and E. Sonnhammer (2001). Automatic Clustering of Orthologs and In-paralogs from Pairwise Species Comparisons. J.Mol.Biol. 314:1041-1052 2. O'Brien Kevin P, Remm Maido and Sonnhammer Erik L.L (2005). Inparanoid: A Comprehensive Database of Eukaryotic Orthologs NAR 33:D476-D480 3. Berglund AC, Sjölund E, Ostlund G, Sonnhammer ELL (2008) InParanoid 6: eukaryotic ortholog clusters with inparalogs" Nucleic Acids Res. 36:D263-266 To detect orthologs with InParanoid: 1. create a separate directory for each project 2. unpack programs from inparanoid_programs.tar.gz to this directory 3. Make sure you have the following files in the working directory: inparanoid.pl blast_parser.pl BLOSUM62 BLOSUM45 BLOSUM62 PAM30 PAM70 seqstat.jar LICENSE (Note that if the BLOSUM* and PAM* files are not in the working directory, seqstat.jar - for bootstrapping - won't work.). 4. Make sure you have installed 'blastall' and 'formatdb' from NCBI. 5. Input sequences should be all protein sequences from given genome The should be organized into two FASTA files - one for each species. If you wish to use third species as outgroup give third FASTA file with outgroup sequences. We have provided sample input files SC and EC in the package inparanoid_small.tar.gz 6. Open the program 'inparanoid.pl' in text editor and check the relevant options on lines 22-65. $run_blast = 1; set it to 0 if you have already run BLAST and have corresponding BLAST output files. Sample output files EC-SC, EC-EC, SC-EC and SC-SC are in the package inparanoid.tar.gz. $run_inparanoid = 1; set it to 0 if you only want to run BLAST and not inparanoid's clustering algorithm. $use_bootstrap = 0; Set it to 1, if you want to test main ortholog pair against second best ortholog pair. Takes slightly more time and requires java. $use_outgroup = 0; Set it to 1 if you have sequences from third, more distant genome and would like to test ortholog pairs against this third genome. $blastall = "blastall"; $formatdb = "formatdb"; It may work like this, but it is better to change this variable to absolute path to these programs - for example "/usr/local/bin/blastall" and "/usr/local/bin/formatdb" $matrix = "BLOSUM62"; Set it to BLOSUM45 to analyse distant species or to BLOSUM80 to analyse very closely related genomes. PAM30 and PAM70 are other possible choices. Other options are less relevant and are described in the program and in the JMB article. 7. For parsing BLAST output so that InParanoid can work with it, the program 'blast_parser.pl' is needed. This in turn requires that the Perl XML parser library is installed on your system. If it is not in the default path, you can open this script in a text editor, uncomment the "use lib" lines near the top of the file, changing the path to wherever these Perl libraries reside on your system. The Blast parser assumes that the first word in the Fasta header line is a unique identifier. 8. Examples of use: * To use InParanoid with sample files (500 proteins from E. coli and yeast) run the following command: perl inparanoid.pl EC SC This will produce simple text file Output.EC-SC which contains all detected orthologs between the sample datasets. The same data is saved in other formats depending on what options are turned on. * If you start with your own sequences, write them into 2 fasta files and set the 'run_blast' variable in inparanoid.pl file to 1. Then the BLAST will run to generate all-versus-all hit score table. This can take several hours, so it's better to leave it overnight. The command line will still look the same: perl inparanoid.pl FASTAFILE1 FASTAFILE2 Please note: You need locally installed NCBI BLAST2 to do this. If you have not done so, download it from ftp://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/ * If you have already run BLAST and want to run only ortholog detection then set run_blast variable to 0 and run the InParanoid again. Please remember that in this case the program expects to see 4 BLAST files (EC-SC, SC-EC, SC-SC, EC-EC) and 2 original FASTA files with sequences (SC and EC) in the same directory where you execute the InParanoid. * Optionally one can use outgroup sequences as third argument. For example: perl inparanoid.pl HUMAN WORM PLANT In this case PLANT sequences are used as an outgroup and some of the false ortholog pairs are removed (if they are more similar to the outgroup than they are to each other). * Optionally one can use bootstrap as a confidence measure for the seed orthologs in each cluster. Set the variable use_bootstrap to 1 to do that. However this option slows down the whole process of ortholog detection. Good luck! Lycka till! Soovime edu!