- Poland
- https://www.kiedybus.pl
Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by MapLibre GL Native. Map tile server for MapLibre GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.
WebGL map rendering engine for creative cartography
A project to make a Raspberry Pi driven, HomeKit Enabled camera.
Interactive tools for GTFS data visualization and analysis
Read & analyze GTFS datasets using Node.js.
A mobile platform for collecting transit data -- GTFS, passenger counts and GIS data.
The simplest editor to translate apps & sites for YML files. Fast and Simple. Try now!
Web app to inspect & analyze any GTFS Realtime feed.
A realtime application which shows Bus Routes and Bus ETAs via LTA's API.
Read a GTFS Realtime feed from stdin, print human-readable or as JSON.
Kogu Eesti ühistranspordi väljumisajad ühes kohas.
Generate a pdf from json data and a template
App with D3 Charts and Google Maps
Combining GTFS transit stops with Census data
Transitstatus is an open source, free, and easy to use transit tracker for everthing from small university bus systems to large regional rail networks.
Simple site showing a live view of all Birmingham, AL's buses
Generate stylized transit maps from GTFS data. Made as a class project, not maintained.
A web application which integrates multiple routing APIs for custom selection and visualisation.
This is a project which provide userfreundly Editor to edit GTFS Format(from Google) Files.
An interactive transport map (based on Singapore MRT map) that utilises shortest path algorithm
A website provided with realtime city bus information and some special features.
An IOS and Android GPS-powered alarm app “built for those who just can’t seem to avoid taking a nap on the subway (and missing their stop)”. The app automatically plays an alarm when you’ve arrived…