Written by Martin Dvorak.
Big thanks to 3rd party FOSS content authors:
- John Gruber (Markdown - spec)
- Qt Company (Qt - lib and code)
- Christian Loose (CuteMarkEd - inspiration and code)
- David Parsons (Discount - Markdown rendering - library)
- Google (Google C++ unit testing framework)
- Knut Sveidqvist (Mermaid.js - diagrams and flowcharts rendering in HTML)
- AMS and SIAM (MathJax.js - math rendering in HTML)
- Ivan Sagalaev (Highlight.js - source code syntax highlighting)
- Travis CI (travis-ci.org - continous integration tests and builds infrastructure)
- Raimund Hocke (SikuliX - GUI automation testing)
- Lewis Van Winkle (GENANN - minimal neural network - library)
- Oleander Software (Oleander stemming library - stemmer - library)
- Jamie McGowan (Remarkable - inspiration and code)
- Andrey Smirnov (Aplty - Debian PPAs mgmt tool)
- Apiary (API blueprints - test data)
- Mark Summerfield (Advanced Qt Programming book examples - code snippets)
- Andres Mejia (Aho-Corasick algorithm implementation - code snippets)
See licenses folder for 3rd party content licensing details.
Acknowledgements to reviewers and testers:
- Floex (reviews)
- Honza Odstrcil (consultations)
Special thanks to:
- Bjarne Stroustrup (C++ - for inspiring visions and being the authority behind C++ language)
- Linus Torvalds (Linux and Git - for being inspiration and strong opinions)
- Richard Stallman (GNU and GNU GPL - for passionate software freedom activism)