In simple words, web development is using programming tools and writing codes tell a website what to do or how to function. Web Development is the one of the most sought-after field in CS, and a highly paid one as well. Being a developer, you can bring your ideas to life and help others see what you think a better world looks like. Most companies need Developers to develop, maintain and fix their applications & services. Either way, it's a good idea to start learning Development.
Don't have any clue what Web Development actually is? Head here to get an overall idea.
Hypertext Markup Language is the first thing to learn when getting started with Web Developoment.
Cascading Style Sheets is essential for controlling layout and aesthetics of a webpage. CSS basically helps create a uniform look and feel across several pages of a website
JS allows the webpage to interact with user i.e. it allows developers to make Dynamic pages.
If this is the first time you're learning HTML & CSS, try making a website that has the following features -
- More than 1 page, with inter-connectivity among pages
- Tables, images, lists
- A seperate stylesheet file with mobile responsive
query, different selectors - Components of
Write a simple script to implement the following:
- The default counter begins at the number 0.
- When you click Lower Count, the counter should decrement by 1. If the count goes below 0, the number should change to the color red.
- When you click Add Count, the counter should increment by 1. If the count goes above 0, the number should change to the color green.
Make a Calculator with basic functions, or with advanced ones as well, as you wish!
There are thousands of browser extensions that exist, that run scripts to make your life simpler. Creating extensions is fairly simple, and you could create one to automate something that you regularly do. Head here to get started with developing extensions for Google Chrome, you can also look at this tutorial. Although extensions exist for almost everything, you can remake your own as well! Here are some ideas for an extension -
- Log in to
with one click - Block Websites for a certain period of time everyday
- A search bar which opens the top YouTube video recommendation for that keyword
- Display the total duration of a youtube playlist, given its link
These are some cool and simple implementations to help you realise how powerful JavaScript can be. You can implement them too :