An awesome multipurpose discord bot built using discord.js
- Node.js 16.6.0 or newer
- npm installed
git clone
cd discord-js-bot
npm install
After installation finishes use node .
to start the bot
Rename ".env.example" to ".env" and fill the values
Optionally edit config.json
Property | Description | Optional |
Discord bot token from here | ❌ |
Mongo Connection String URL | ❌ |
API to get weather data from here | ✅ |
Webhook URL to send guild join/leave details here | ✅ |
- These commands can only be configured by members who have Permission.MANAGE_SERVER
- The bot moderates messages only in channels where it has Permission.MESSAGE_MANAGE
- The bot ignores messages sent by users having Permission.KICK_MEMBERS, Permission.BAN_MEMBERS, Permission.MANAGE_SERVER
Command | Description |
automodstatus |
check automod configuration for this guild |
automodlog <#channel|OFF> |
set/disable logging for all automod events |
antiinvites <ON|OFF> |
allow or disallow sending discord links in message |
antilinks <ON|OFF> |
allow or disallow sending links in message |
maxlines <number|OFF> |
sets maximum lines allowed per message |
maxmentions <number|OFF> |
sets maximum user mentions allowed per message |
maxrolementions <number|OFF> |
sets maximum role mentions allowed per message |
Command | Description |
ban <@member(s)> [reason] |
Ban the the mentioned member(s) |
kick <@member(s)> [reason] |
Kick the mentioned member(s) |
mute <@member(s)> [reason] |
Mute the mentioned member(s) on all text/voice channels |
purgeattach <amount> |
Deletes the specified amount of messages with attachments |
purgebots <amount> |
Deletes the specified amount of messages from bots |
purge <amount> |
Deletes the specified amount of messages |
purgelinks <amount> |
Deletes the specified amount of messages with links |
purgeuser <@user> <amount> |
Deletes the specified amount of messages for the mentioned user |
softban <@member(s)> [reason] |
Kicks a member from the server and delete that users messages |
unmute <@member(s)> [reason] |
Unmutes the specified member(s) |
vunmute <@member(s)> [reason] |
UnMute voice of the mentioned member(s) |
Command | Description |
covid <country> |
Get covid statistics in the specified country |
github <username> |
Shows github statistics of a user |
help <command> |
Shows the list with commands in the bot |
translate <code> <text> |
Translate from one language to other |
urban <search-term> |
Searches the urban dictionary |
proxies [proxy-type] |
Fetch fresh proxies (http, socks4, socks5) |
Command | Description |
cat |
Shows a random cat image |
dog |
Shows a random dog image |
flipcoin |
Flips a coin heads or tails |
fliptext |
Reverses the given message |
Command | Description |
avatar [name|id] |
Displays avatar information about the user |
botinfo |
Shows bot information |
channelinfo [#channel] |
Shows mentioned channel information |
guildinfo |
Shows information about the discord server |
botinvite |
Get the bot's invite |
ping |
Shows the current ping from the bot to the discord servers |
uptime |
Shows bot's uptime |
Command | Description |
balance [@member|id] |
Shows your current coin balance |
daily |
Receive a daily coin bonus |
gamble <amount> |
Try your luck by gambling |
transfer <coins> <@member|id> |
Transfer coins to other user |
Command | Description |
-rep [@member|id] |
Give reputation to a user |
ad | affect | beautiful | bobross | color |
confusedstonk | delete | discordblack | discordblue | facepalm |
hitler | jail | jokeoverhead | karaba | mms |
notstonk | poutine | rainbow | rip | shit |
stonk | tatoo | thomas | trash | wanted |
wasted |
blur | burn | gay | greyscale |
invert | pixelate | sepia | sharpen |
Feel free to Fork this repository, create a feature branch and submit a pull request