This page lists all active maintainers and their areas of expertise. This can be used for routing PRs, questions, etc. to the right place.
- See for general contribution guidelines.
- See for governance guidelines and maintainer responsibilities.
Here's the current list of senior maintainers:
- Bassam Tabbara [email protected] (bassam)
- Catch-all, architecture, strategy
- Jared Watts [email protected] (jbw976)
- Stacks architecture, release engineering
- Nic Cope [email protected] (negz)
- Services architecture
There are currently no maintainers. Maintainers will be added according to the process for adding a maintainer in the governance.
- Illya Chekrygin [email protected] (ichekrygin)
This section lists people that are not currently maintainers but have demonstrated value to the community. They typically help out with technical, code and design reviews and also with support and troubleshooting. Feel free to loop them in as needed.