- Austin, Texas, US
Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8.x
Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony
Abstraction for local and remote filesystems
Asynchronous server-side framework for network applications implemented in PHP using libevent
vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with any unit test framework, like PHPUnit or SimpleTest.
Mock HTTP requests on the server side in your PHP unit tests
ewiger / antlr-php-runtime
Forked from beberlei/antlr-php-runtimefork of the php antlr runtime project for generating php 5.3 only parsers
fork of the php antlr runtime project for generating php 5.3 only parsers
wonderslug / vfsStream
Forked from bovigo/vfsStreamvfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with any unit test framework, like PHPUnit or SimpleTest.