The Expense tracking API allows you to access and manipulate expense entries in similar fashion to using the weekly expensesheet view. This allows developers to create lightweight clients or widgets to track expenses beyond directly interacting with Harvest through the web browser.
POST /expenses
HTTP Response: 201 Created
Location: /expenses
Post the following for a standard expense with a total cost:
<notes>Buy Valentine's Day chocolates for Harvest</notes>
<total-cost type="decimal">11.00</total-cost>
<project-id type="integer">2</project-id>
<expense-category-id type="integer">1</expense-category-id>
<!-- If true, expense can be invoiced. If false, expense cannot be invoiced. -->
<billable type="boolean">true</billable>
<spent-at type="date">2008-02-10</spent-at>
Post the following for an expense whose total cost is calculated via an expense categories unit price (e.g. mileage):
<notes>Drive to buy Valentine's chocolates</notes>
<units type="integer">5</units>
<project-id type="integer">2</project-id>
<expense-category-id type="integer">3</expense-category-id>
<billable type="boolean">true</billable>
<spent-at type="date">2008-02-10</spent-at>
Post the following for a non-billable expense:
<notes>Buy Valentine's Day chocolates for Harvest</notes>
<total-cost type="decimal">11.00</total-cost>
<project-id type="integer">2</project-id>
<expense-category-id type="integer">1</expense-category-id>
<billable type="boolean">false</billable>
<spent-at type="date">2008-02-10</spent-at>
PUT /expenses/#{expense_id}
HTTP Response: 200 OK
Location: /expenses/#{expense_id}
Put the following for a standard expense with a total cost:
<notes>Buy Valentine's Day _dark_ chocolates for Harvest</notes>
<total-cost type="decimal">20.00</total-cost>
Put the following for an expense whose total cost is calculated via an expense categories unit price (e.g. mileage):
<notes>Drive _a long way_ to buy Valentine's chocolates</notes>
<units type="integer">25</units>
Put the following to mark an expense as non-billable:
<billable type="boolean">false</billable>
GET /expenses/#{expense_id}
HTTP Response: 200 Success
<notes>Buy Valentine's Day _dark_ chocolates for Harvest</notes>
<total-cost type="decimal">20.00</total-cost>
<project-id type="integer">2</project-id>
<expense-category-id type="integer">1</expense-category-id>
<billable type="boolean">true</billable>
<spent-at type="date">2008-02-10</spent-at>
<has-receipt type="boolean">true</has-receipt>
<updated-at type="datetime">2008-04-09T12:07:56Z</updated-at>
<created-at type="datetime">2008-04-09T12:07:56Z</created-at>
Note that the has-receipt field will indicate whether a receipt image has been attached. If it is true, you can use the URL in receipt-url to fetch the image.
DELETE /expenses/#{expense_id}
HTTP Response: 200 OK
POST /expenses/#{expense_id}/receipt
HTTP Response: 200 OK
Location: /expenses/#{expense_id}/receipt
When adding or updating an image receipt, you don't need to post any XML. Just post the image data like you would any multipart form data. Be sure to set the name of the post data to expense[receipt] and set the filename= parameter:
POST /expenses/#{expense_id}/receipt
User-Agent: #{Your app name here}
Host: #{yoursubdomain}
Accept: application/xml
Authorization: Basic (insert your authentication string here)
Content-Length: 47899
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------------b7edea381b46
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="expense[receipt]"; filename="hotel.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
GET /expenses/#{expense_id}/receipt
HTTP Response: 200 OK
Perform a simple GET on the receipt URL to receive the image data.
You may add an of_user=#{user_id} parameter to the URL of any expense tracking API call to work with the timesheet of another user. The authenticating user must be an administrator for this to work.
Administrators may edit and delete locked expenses. The following fields are considered readonly on locked expenses: project_id, expense_category_id, spent_at.