GET /projects/#{project_id}
HTTP Response: 200 Success
<id type="integer">1</id>
<client-id type="integer">2</client-id>
<active type="boolean">true</active>
<notes nil="true"/>
<billable type="boolean">false</billable>
<!-- Shows if the project is billed by task hourly rate or
person hourly rate. Options: Tasks, People, none -->
<cost-budget type="decimal">1000.0</cost-budget>
<cost-budget-include-expenses type="boolean">false</cost-budget-include-expenses>
<hourly-rate nil="true"/>
<!-- Shows if the budget provided by total project hours,
total project cost, by tasks, by people or none provided.
Options: project, project_cost, task, person, none -->
<budget type="decimal">40.0</budget>
<notify-when-over-budget type="boolean">true</notify-when-over-budget>
<over-budget-notification-percentage type="decimal">80.0</over-budget-notification-percentage>
<over-budget-notified-at nil="true"/>
<show-budget-to-all type="boolean">true</show-budget-to-all>
<created-at type="datetime">2008-04-09T12:07:56Z</created-at>
<updated-at type="datetime">2008-04-09T12:07:56Z</updated-at>
<!-- These are hints to when the earliest and latest date when a
timesheet record or an expense was created for a project. Note
that these fields are only updated once every 24 hours, they
are useful to constructing a full project timeline. -->
<hint-earliest-record-at type="date">2006-01-04</hint-earliest-record-at>
<hint-latest-record-at type="date">2007-06-06</hint-latest-record-at>
GET /projects
HTTP Response: 200 Success
<id type="integer">1</id>
<client-id type="integer">2</client-id>
<active type="boolean">true</active>
<notes nil="true"/>
<billable type="boolean">false</billable>
<!-- Shows if the project is billed by task hourly rate or
person hourly rate. Options: Tasks, People, none -->
<cost-budget type="decimal">1000.0</cost-budget>
<cost-budget-include-expenses type="boolean">false</cost-budget-include-expenses>
<hourly-rate nil="true"/>
<!-- Shows if the budget provided by total project hours,
total project cost, by tasks, by people or none provided.
Options: project, project_cost, task, person, none -->
<budget type="decimal">40.0</budget>
<notify-when-over-budget type="boolean">true</notify-when-over-budget>
<over-budget-notification-percentage type="decimal">80.0</over-budget-notification-percentage>
<over-budget-notified-at nil="true"/>
<show-budget-to-all type="boolean">true</show-budget-to-all>
<created-at type="datetime">2008-04-09T12:07:56Z</created-at>
<updated-at type="datetime">2008-04-09T12:07:56Z</updated-at>
<!-- These are hints to when the earliest and latest date when a
timesheet record or an expense was created for a project. Note
that these fields are only updated once every 24 hours, they
are useful to constructing a full project timeline. -->
<hint-earliest-record-at type="date">2006-01-04</hint-earliest-record-at>
<hint-latest-record-at type="date">2007-06-06</hint-latest-record-at>
You can filter by client_id and updated_since. For example to show only the projects belonging to client with the id 23445.
GET /projects?client=23445
HTTP Response: 200 Success
To show only the projects that have been updated since "2010-09-25 18:30", pass the UTC date time value (URL encoded).
GET /projects?updated_since=2010-09-25+18%3A30
HTTP Response: 200 Success
POST /projects
HTTP Response: 201 Created
Location: /projects/#{new_project_id}
You will have to post the following:
<active type="boolean">true</active>
<!-- Valid and existing client id -->
<client-id type="integer">2</client-id>
<budget type="decimal"></budget>
An error is returned if you've hit the limit in number of projects for the account's plan.
PUT /projects/#{project_id}
HTTP Response: 200 OK
Location: /projects/#{project_id}
Post similar XML as with create a new project, but include client-id as part of the project. For activating a project a separate method needs to be used.
PUT /projects/#{project_id}/toggle
HTTP Response: 200 Success
Location: /projects/#{project_id}
Note that if your account goes over the allowed project limit, Harvest will return HTTP Response: 400 Bad Request, with a Hint header.
DELETE /projects/#{project_id}
If the project does not have any associated hours, it is deleted with HTTP Response: 200 OK. If the project has hours, the project is not deleted and HTTP Response: 400 Bad Request is returned.