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80f9445 · Sep 21, 2022




Technical Note on Access Control Integration Tests

Follow the instructions below to perform the integration tests on your local development box.

Enable the integration tests

Comment out the @Ignore annotation near the top of files like opa/Test*.scala. Do not commit the change as the tests are not fully automated yet. The tests will fail if they are run in the CI tests.

Deploy combined-db with authorization-db and registry-db

For example, if using namespace test2, run

cd <magda project directory>

helm upgrade test2 deploy/helm/magda --namespace test2 --install --recreate-pods -f deploy/helm/local-auth-test.yml --set tags.all=false --set tags.combined-db=true --set tags.authorization-db=true --set tags.registry-db=true

kubectl.exe -n test2 port-forward combined-db-postgresql-0 5432:5432

If on Windows 10, run

helm upgrade test2 deploy/helm/magda --namespace test2 --install --recreate-pods -f deploy/helm/local-auth-test.yml -f deploy/helm/docker-desktop-windows.yml --set tags.all=false --set tags.combined-db=true --set tags.authorization-db=true --set tags.registry-db=true

You might need to delete your existing volume first

kubectl delete pv local-storage-volume

then create a new volume for the new database

kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/local-storage-volume.yaml

Populate table org_units

Use a postgres client to execute data/organizations.sql in the auth database. The structure of the organization can be seen in the comment of the sql file.

Populate table users and assign user roles

Use a postgres client to execute data/users.sql in the auth database. There are 4 authenticated users in different organization units. See the comment in the sql file for details.

Start opa server

cd magda-opa

yarn dev

It will use the opa policies that are the same as in the real deployment.

Start authorization service

cd magda-authorization-api

yarn dev

Create JWTs for Esri Policy Test

(If Esri OPA test failed, follow the instructions in this session to re-build JWTs.)

The current Java JWT library is not capable of creating custom claims that are json objects. The typescript library comes to help. The jwt tokens used in testing esri policy are created by magda-typescript-common/src/test/session/buildJwtForRegistryEsri***Test.ts.

If necessary, follow the instructions in a relevant override addJwtToken() method.

Start the integration tests

It is very convenient to debug the tests with IntelliJ IDEA.

All the suites perform tests under the same conditions described in Relationship among users, organizations and records. in the class of ApiWithOpa.

After running one of the suites, its testing data are persisted in the database.

You may run RegistryApp with default config (using default policy object.registry.record.owner_orgunit) from the IntelliJ then query the registry api as different users. A user is identified by a jwt token in the request header.

Here is an example query on behalf of user with ID of 00000000-0000-1000-0003-000000000000 (Do not forget to add tenant id header too.)

curl --header "X-Magda-Session:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIwMDAwMDAwMC0wMDAwLTEwMDAtMDAwMy0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAifQ.cCCS3XqslU6ZQYlYhkJ9Fm4mFj7E_g4dmGnRGEgaZmA" --header "X-Magda-Tenant-Id: 0" http://localhost:6101/v0/records?aspect=organization | json_pp

And the response might look like:

   "records" : [
         "name" : "This record can only be viewed by Section C of Branch B of Dep. A or higher.",
         "id" : "record-3",
         "tenantId" : 0,
         "aspects" : {
            "organization" : {
               "email" : "Section.C@somewhere",
               "name" : "Section C, Branch B, Dep. A"
         "aspects" : {
            "organization" : {
               "name" : "Section C, Branch B, Dep. A",
               "email" : "Section.C@somewhere"
         "tenantId" : 0,
         "id" : "record-4",
         "name" : "This record has no access control."
   "hasMore" : false


If the above jwt token is incorrect (e.g. typo), the user will be considered unauthenticated and only get "record-4" that has no access restriction.