- Qt (used 5.6.2)
- XCode with MacPorts
- HackRF One
We are only covering HackRF One, since is only the hardware I own. In the future we will test RTL based: NooElec NESDR Nano 3(RTL2832U & R820T2).
- build-sdrangel.macos-Desktop_Qt_5_6_2_clang_64bit-Release
- sdrangel
- deps
- cm256cc
- dsdcc
- mbelib
- boost_1_64_0/
Boost 1.64: Download and unpack There are a few dependencies which can be installed through MacPorts:
sudo port install cmake hackrf-devel bladeRF rtl-sdr opencv
Clone other libs to deps folder:
git clone https://github.com/f4exb/cm256cc.git
git clone https://github.com/szechyjs/mbelib.git
git clone https://github.com/f4exb/dsdcc.git
Release build configuration with QT Creator
Go into release build directory, something like: build-sdrangel.macos-Desktop_Qt_***Release
and run deployment script:
from build directory:
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib:.; ../MacOS/sdrangel