Swift Validator is a rule-based validation library for Swift.
go into ```Validator``ITextField
come out of ```Validator``UITextField
is registered toValidator
sequentially and stops evaluating when aValidationRule
fails.- Keys are used to allow field registration in TableViewControllers and complex view hierarchies
Initialize the Validator
by setting a delegate to a View Controller or other object.
// ViewController.swift
let validator = Validator()
override func viewDidLoad() {
Register the fields that you want to validate
// Validation Rules are evaluated from left to right.
validator.registerField(fullNameTextField, rules: [RequiredRule(), FullNameRule()])
// You can pass in error labels with your rules
validator.registerField(emailTextField, errorLabel: emailErrorLabel, rules: [RequiredRule(), EmailRule()])
// You can validate against other fields using ConfirmRule
validator.registerField(emailConfirmTextField, errorLabel: emailConfirmErrorLabel, rules: [ConfirmationRule(confirmField: emailTextField)])
// You can now pass in regex and length parameters through overloaded contructors
validator.registerField(phoneNumberTextField, errorLabel: phoneNumberErrorLabel, rules: [RequiredRule(), MinLengthRule(length: 9)])
validator.registerField(zipcodeTextField, errorLabel: zipcodeErrorLabel, rules: [RequiredRule(), ZipCodeRule(regex = "\\d{5}")])
Validate All Fields
// ValidationDelegate methods
func validationWasSuccessful() {
// submit the form
func validationFailed(errors:[UITextField:ValidationError]) {
// turn the fields to red
for (field, error) in validator.errors {
field.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
field.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
error.errorLabel?.text = error.errorMessage // works if you added labels
error.errorLabel?.hidden = false
We will create a SSNValidation
class to show how to create your own Validation. A United States Social Security Number (or SSN) is a field that consists of XXX-XX-XXXX.
Create a class that implements the Validation protocol
class SSNVRule: Rule {
let SSN_REGEX = "^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}$"
func validate(value: String) -> (Bool, ValidationErrorType) {
if let ssnTest = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", SSN_REGEX) {
if ssnTest.evaluateWithObject(value) {
return (true, .NoError)
return (false, .SocialSecurity) // We will create this later ValidationErrorType.SocialSecurity
return (false, .SocialSecurity)
func errorMessage() -> String{
return "Not a valid SSN"
Swift Validator is written and maintained by Jeff Potter [@jpotts18](http://twitter.com/jpotts18) and friends.
## Contributing
1. [Fork it](https://github.com/jpotts18/swift-validator/fork)
2. Create your feature branch `git checkout -b my-new-feature`
3. Commit your changes `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
4. Push to the branch `git push origin my-new-feature`
5. Create a new Pull Request