Dockerize Spring Boot REST API Application
Step-1: Pre-requsites - Create Simple SpringBoot HelloWorld REST API
Create a simple Helloworld rest api
In our case, we will downloas this from our course artifacts during project setup.
Run locally and test
"message" : " Hello World Bean" ,
"appversion" : " V1"
Step-2: Create Dockerfile
Create Dockerfile on Application root folder
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ADD target/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /app.jar" ]
Step-3: Update pom.xml with spotify plugin
<!-- Docker Spotify Plugin -->
<plugin >
<groupId >com.spotify</groupId >
<artifactId >dockerfile-maven-plugin</artifactId >
<version >1.4.13</version >
<executions >
<execution >
<id >default</id >
<goals >
<goal >build</goal >
</goals >
</execution >
</executions >
<configuration >
<repository >stacksimplify/${}</repository >
<tag >${project.version}</tag >
<skipDockerInfo >true</skipDockerInfo >
</configuration >
</plugin >
Step-4: Package as Docker image and Run locally on Docker Desktop.
Run the below command from application root folder or run the same from Spring Tool Suite IDE
Execute docker commands
List docker images
Run the docker image locally
docker images
docker run -p 80:8080 stacksimplify/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:1.0.0-RELEASE
Access Helloworld REST API
"message" : " Hello World Bean" ,
"appversion" : " V1"
Step-5: Push Docker Image to Docker Hub
Login to docker hub
Push the newly created image to docker hub.
docker login
docker push stacksimplify/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:1.0.0-RELEASE
docker push **YOUR DOCKERHUB REPO NAME**/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:1.0.0-RELEASE
Verify the new repository with 1.0.0-RELEASE tag should be displayed on Docker Hub.
Step-6: Spring Boot - Docker Image Versioning
Update version tag in pom.xml
<version >2.0.0-RELEASE</version >
Run the docker image locally (if required to test)
docker images
docker run -p 80:8080 stacksimplify/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:2.0.0-RELEASE
Push the docker image to Docker Hub
docker push stacksimplify/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:2.0.0-RELEASE
Verify the same in Docker Hub. New release tag 2.0.0-RELEASE should bedisplayed
Step-7: Run docker image in detached mode
Run docker image in detached mode (no console output of spring boot application)
So far we are running in foreground mode where we get the spring boot application console output.
docker run -d -p 80:8080 stacksimplify/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:2.0.0-RELEASE
docker ps
Step-8: Docker Essentinal commands
The belowa are the list of essential commands we are in need
docker ps
List all running containers
docker ps -a
List all containers stopped, running
docker stop container-id
Stop the container which is running
docker start container-id
Start the container which is stopped
docker restart container-id
Restart the container which is running
docker port container-id
List port mappings of a specific container
docker rm container-id or name
Remove the stopped container
docker rm -f container-id or name
Remove the running container forcefully
docker pull image-info
Pull the image from docker hub repository
docker pull stacksimplify/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:2.0.0-RELEASE
Pull the image from docker hub repository
docker exec -it container-name /bin/sh
Connect to linux container and execute commands in container
docker rmi image-id
Remove the docker image
docker logout
Logout from docker hub
docker login -u username -p password
Login to docker hub
docker stats
Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
docker top container-id or name
Display the running processes of a container
docker version
Show the Docker version information
Docker Desktop on mac has an issue with MAC "osxkeychain"
To fix it perform the below steps.
Pre-requisite: Refer below link for additional understanding
Step-1: Docker Desktop changes
Open Docker Desktop --> Preferences
Uncheck the option named Securely store Docker logins in macOS keychain
Step-2: Go to config.json file in .docker folder
Sample Reference Location:
Remove the line “credSstore” : “osxkeychain”, in config.json