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Helm Chart for deployment of WSO2 Open Banking API Manager with Identity & Access Management Module and Business Intelligence Support

Resources for building a Helm chart for deployment of All-In-One WSO2 Open Banking API Manager with WSO2 Open Banking Identity & Access Managment Module support.

WSO2 Open Banking pattern 2 deployment

For advanced details on the deployment pattern, please refer to the official documentation.



  • WSO2 product Docker images used for the Kubernetes deployment.

    For a production grade deployment of the desired WSO2 product-version, it is highly recommended to use the relevant Docker image which packages WSO2 Updates, available at WSO2 Private Docker Registry.

    In order to use these images, you need an active WSO2 Subscription.

  • Install Git, Helm and Kubernetes client in order to run the steps provided in the following quick start guide.

  • An already setup Kubernetes cluster.

  • Install NGINX Ingress Controller.

    Ensure that you have enabled SSL Passthrough support in the Ingress Controller. For instructions on enabling SSL Passthrough at the NGINX Ingress Controller, please refer to the official documentation.

  • Add the WSO2 Helm chart repository.

     helm repo add wso2 && helm repo update

Quick Start Guide

1. Install the Helm Chart

You can install the relevant Helm chart either from WSO2 Helm Chart Repository or by source.


  • NAMESPACE should be the Kubernetes Namespace in which the resources are deployed.

Install Chart From WSO2 Helm Chart Repository

Helm version 2

helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> wso2/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD>


  • Specification to deploy is set to Berlin by default, use following to deploy UK specification instead of Berlin for Helm version 2.
helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> wso2/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD> --set --set

Helm version 3

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> wso2/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --create-namespace --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD>


  • Specification to deploy is set to Berlin by default, use following to deploy UK specification instead of Berlin for Helm version 3.
helm install <RELEASE_NAME> wso2/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --create-namespace --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD> --set --set

Install Chart From Source

In the context of this document,

Clone the Helm resources for WSO2 Open Banking Git repository.
git clone
Deploy Helm chart for WSO2 Open Banking Pattern 2 deployment.

Helm version 2

helm install --dep-up --name <RELEASE_NAME> <GIT_REPO>/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD>


  • Specification to deploy is set to Berlin by default, use following to deploy UK specification instead of Berlin for Helm version 2.
helm install --dep-up --name <RELEASE_NAME> <GIT_REPO>/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD> --set --set

Helm version 3

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> <GIT_REPO>/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --dependency-update --create-namespace --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD>


  • Specification to deploy is set to Berlin by default, use following to deploy UK specification instead of Berlin for Helm version 3.
helm install <RELEASE_NAME> <GIT_REPO>/ob-pattern-2 --version 2.0.0-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE> --dependency-update --create-namespace --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME> --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD>

2. Obtain the external IP

Obtain the external IP (EXTERNAL-IP) of the Open Banking Ingress resources, by listing down the Kubernetes Ingresses.

kubectl get ing -n <NAMESPACE>

The output under the relevant column stands for the following.

API Manager Admin Portal, Carbon Management Console, API Publisher and Developer Portal

  • NAME: Metadata name of the Kubernetes Ingress resource (defaults to wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-am-ingress)
  • HOSTS: Hostname of the API Manager service (<>)
  • ADDRESS: External IP (EXTERNAL-IP) exposing the API Manager service to outside of the Kubernetes environment
  • PORTS: Externally exposed service ports of the API Manager service

API Manager Gateway

  • NAME: Metadata name of the Kubernetes Ingress resource (defaults to wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-am-gateway-ingress)
  • HOSTS: Hostname of the API Manager's Gateway service (<>)
  • ADDRESS: External IP (EXTERNAL-IP) exposing the API Manager's Gateway service to outside of the Kubernetes environment
  • PORTS: Externally exposed service ports of the API Manager's Gateway service

Identity & Access Management Module Carbon Management Console

  • NAME: Metadata name of the Kubernetes Ingress resource (defaults to wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-km-ingress)
  • HOSTS: Hostname of the Identity & Access Management Module service (<>)
  • ADDRESS: External IP (EXTERNAL-IP) exposing the Identity & Access Management Module service to outside of the Kubernetes environment
  • PORTS: Externally exposed service ports of the Identity & Access Management Module service

Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard

  • NAME: Metadata name of the Kubernetes Ingress resource (defaults to wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-bi-dashboard-ingress)
  • HOSTS: Hostname of the BI Dashboard service (<>)
  • ADDRESS: External IP (EXTERNAL-IP) exposing the BI Dashboard service to outside of the Kubernetes environment
  • PORTS: Externally exposed service ports of the BI Dashboard service

3. Add a DNS record mapping the hostnames and the external IP

If the defined hostnames (in the previous step) are backed by a DNS service, add a DNS record mapping the hostnames and the external IP (EXTERNAL-IP) in the relevant DNS service.

If the defined hostnames are not backed by a DNS service, for the purpose of evaluation you may add an entry mapping the hostnames and the external IP in the /etc/hosts file at the client-side.

<EXTERNAL-IP> <> <> <> <>

4. Access Management Consoles

  • API Manager Admin Portal: https://<>/admin

  • API Manager Carbon Management Console: https://<>/carbon

  • API Manager Publisher: https://<>/publisher

  • API Manager Developer Portal: https://<>/devportal

  • Identity & Access Management Module Carbon Management Console: https://<>/carbon

Please refer the official documentation for advanced usage details.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

WSO2 Subscription Configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
wso2.subscription.username Your WSO2 Subscription username -
wso2.subscription.password Your WSO2 Subscription password -
Chart Dependencies
Parameter Description Default Value
wso2.deployment.dependencies.mysql Enable the deployment and usage of WSO2 API Management MySQL based Helm Chart true
wso2.deployment.dependencies.nfsProvisioner Enable the deployment and usage of NFS Server Provisioner ( true
Persistent Runtime Artifact Configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.storageClass Appropriate Kubernetes Storage Class nfs
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.sharedArtifacts.capacity.executionPlans Capacity for execution plans shared between the Traffic Manager profile instances 20M
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.sharedArtifacts.capacity.synapseConfigs Capacity for synapse artifacts of APIs shared between the Gateway profile instances 50M
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.sharedArtifacts.capacity.userstores Capacity for secondary user stores between Identity Server instances 50M
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.apacheSolrIndexing.enabled Indicates if persistence of the runtime artifacts for Apache Solr-based indexing is enabled false
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.apacheSolrIndexing.capacity.carbonDatabase Capacity for persisting the H2 based local Carbon database file 50M
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.apacheSolrIndexing.capacity.solrIndexedData Capacity for persisting the Apache Solr indexed data 50M
API Manager Server Configurations
Parameter Description Default Value Registry location of the Docker image to be used to create API Manager instances - Name of the Docker image to be used to create API Manager instances wso2-obam Tag of the image used to create API Manager instances 2.0.0 Refer to doc Always Initial delay for the live-ness probe for API Manager node 180 Period of the live-ness probe for API Manager node 10 Initial delay for the readiness probe for API Manager node 180 Period of the readiness probe for API Manager node 10 The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 2Gi The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 2000m The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 3Gi The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 3000m The initial memory allocation for JVM Heap 1024m The maximum memory allocation for JVM Heap 1024m Hostname for API Manager Admin Portal, Publisher, Devportal and Carbon Management Console Ingress resource annotations for API Manager management consoles Community NGINX Ingress controller annotations Hostname for API Manager Gateway Ingress resource annotations for API Manager Gateway Community NGINX Ingress controller annotations

Note: The above mentioned default, minimum resource amounts for running WSO2 Open Banking API Manager server profiles are based on its official documentation.

IAM Module Server Configurations
Parameter Description Default Value Registry location of the Docker image to be used to create Identity & Access Management Module instances - Name of the Docker image to be used to create Identity & Access Management Module instances wso2-obiam Tag of the image used to create Identity & Access Management Module instances 2.0.0 Refer to doc Always Number of replicas of Identity & Access Management Module 2 Initial delay for the live-ness probe for Identity & Access Management Module node 120 Period of the live-ness probe for Identity & Access Management Module node 10 Initial delay for the readiness probe for Identity & Access Management Module node 120 Period of the readiness probe for Identity & Access Management Module 10 The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 3Gi The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 3000m The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 4Gi The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 4000m The initial memory allocation for JVM Heap 2048m The maximum memory allocation for JVM Heap 2048m Hostname for Identity & Access Management Module service Ingress resource annotations for Identity & Access Management Module service Community NGINX Ingress controller annotations

Note: The above mentioned default, minimum resource amounts for running WSO2 Open Banking Identity & Access Management Module server profile are based on its official documentation.

BI Dashboard Runtime Configurations
Parameter Description Default Value Registry location of the Docker image to be used to create a BI Dashboard instance - Name of the Docker image to be used to create a BI Dashboard instance wso2-obbi-dashboard Tag of the image used to create a BI Dashboard instance 2.0.0 Refer to doc Always Number of replicas of BI Dashboard to be started 1 Refer to doc 1 Refer to doc 0 Initial delay for the live-ness probe for BI Dashboard node 20 Period of the live-ness probe for BI Dashboard node 10 Initial delay for the readiness probe for BI Dashboard node 20 Period of the readiness probe for BI Dashboard node 10 The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 4Gi The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 2000m The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 4Gi The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 2000m The initial memory allocation for JVM Heap 2048m The maximum memory allocation for JVM Heap 2048m Custom deployment configuration file (<WSO2OB_BI>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml) - Hostname for BI Dashboard Ingress resource annotations for BI Dashboard Community NGINX Ingress controller annotations
BI Worker Runtime Configurations
Parameter Description Default Value Registry location of the Docker image to be used to create a BI Worker instance - Name of the Docker image to be used to create a BI Worker instance wso2-obbi-worker Tag of the image used to create a BI Worker instance 2.0.0 Refer to doc Always Initial delay for the live-ness probe for BI Worker node 20 Period of the live-ness probe for BI Worker node 10 Initial delay for the readiness probe for BI Worker node 20 Period of the readiness probe for BI Worker node 10 The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 4Gi The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 2000m The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod 4Gi The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod 2000m The initial memory allocation for JVM Heap 2048m The maximum memory allocation for JVM Heap 2048m Custom deployment configuration file (<WSO2OB_BI>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml) -

####### Product Configurations

  • Generic configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
wso2.deployment.ob.config.workflowServerURL Configure workflow server URL for signup workflow (refer to doc for Berlin specification, refer to doc for UK specification) https://localhost:9445/services/
  • Data source configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
wso2.deployment.ob.config.datasources.rdbms.type Relation Database Management System (RDBMS) type mysql
wso2.deployment.ob.config.datasources.rdbms.server.hostname RDBMS server hostname wso2ob-rdbms-service-mysql
wso2.deployment.ob.config.datasources.rdbms.server.port RDBMS server port 3306
wso2.deployment.ob.config.datasources.rdbms.server.username Username of the RDBMS server user wso2carbon
wso2.deployment.ob.config.datasources.rdbms.server.port Password of the RDBMS server user wso2carbon
wso2.deployment.ob.config.datasources.rdbms.server.port JDBC driver class name to connect to the server user com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
wso2.deployment.ob.config.datasources.databases.* Database configurations mapping to the externalized, shared data sources of the product deployment -


  • The aforementioned externalized, product data source configurations' default values are set to those of the evaluatory, MySQL deployment.

  • We do not recommend you to use the evaluatory, MySQL deployment, to host the product databases in a production grade deployment.

  • For setting up databases depending on the desired PSD2 API specification, please refer to the official WSO2 Open Banking documentation.

  • Berlin PSD2 specific configurations

Parameter Description Default Value Configure endpoint to retrieve BERLIN payable accounts passing PSU-ID as a path parameter https://wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-am-service:9443/api/openbanking/backend-berlin/services/v130/accounts/payable Configure endpoint to retrieve BERLIN sharable accounts passing PSU-ID as a path parameter https://wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-am-service:9443/api/openbanking/backend-berlin/services/v130/accounts/shareable

Note: Please refer to the official documentation for advanced details with regards to configuring the Berlin specification.

  • UK PSD2 specific configurations
Parameter Description Default Value Configure endpoint to retrieve UK payable accounts passing PSU-ID as a path parameter http://wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-am-service:9763/api/openbanking/backend-uk/services/bankaccounts/bankaccountservice/payable-accounts Configure endpoint to retrieve UK sharable accounts passing PSU-ID as a path parameter http://wso2ob-pattern-2-ob-am-service:9763/api/openbanking/backend-uk/services/bankaccounts/bankaccountservice/sharable-accounts

Note: Please refer to the official documentation for advanced details with regards to configuring the UK specification.

  • Business Intelligence configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
wso2.deployment.ob.config.fraudDetection.enabled Enable/Disable fraud detection (refer to doc) false
Kubernetes Specific Configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
kubernetes.serviceAccount Name of the Kubernetes Service Account to which the Pods are to be bound wso2ob-pattern-2-svc-account

Runtime Artifact Persistence and Sharing

  • It is mandatory to set an appropriate Kubernetes StorageClass in this deployment, for persistence and sharing.

  • By default, this deployment uses the nfs Kubernetes StorageClass created using the official, stable NFS Server Provisioner.

  • Only persistent storage solutions supporting ReadWriteMany access mode are applicable for wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.storageClass.

  • Please refer to the official WSO2 container guide for advanced details with regards to WSO2 recommended, storage options.

Managing Java Keystores and Truststores

  • By default, this deployment uses the default keystores and truststores provided by the relevant WSO2 product.

  • For advanced details with regards to managing custom Java keystores and truststores in a container based WSO2 product deployment please refer to the official WSO2 container guide.

Configuring SSL in Service Exposure

  • For WSO2 recommended best practices in configuring SSL when exposing the internal product services to outside of the Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the official WSO2 container guide.

  • Open Banking API Manager's Gateway service uses Mutual TLS (MTLS) authentication. By default, this is handled via SSL Passthrough of the Gateway Ingress. If you intend to configure SSL termination at the Ingress Controller level, please refer to client certificate authentication at the NGINX Ingress Controller.