A simple, msf4j based backend service to store and retrieve is-sample bookings.
By default services are not protected. It is possible enable bearer token authorization by either changing
or through startup parameters. Following are supported startup parameters,
- -port : Change the running port of the backend service. Default is 39090
- -introspectionEnabled : Enable or disable bearer token introspection. Accepts true or false boolean values. Default is false (no introspection)
- -introspectionEndpoint : WSO2 IS introspection endpoint that needs to be invoked for token introspection. Default is https://localhost:9443/oauth2/introspect
Application startup with default values,
java -jar backend-service.jar
Application startup with altered port and introspection enabled,
java -jar backend-service.jar -port 8787 -introspectionEnabled true
You can invoke following endpoints to store and retrieve bookings,
- GET /bookings : Retrieve stored bookings. Response contains currently stored bookings
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" -X GET http://localhost:39090/bookings
- POST /bookings : Store a booking. Response will be internal ID and a status
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"driver": "Alex","client": "Mike","client-phone": "678"}' http://localhost:39090/bookings
In case you want to build the application from source, follow these steps.
checkout is-sample repository. Navigate to <IS_SAMPLE_REPOSITORY>/etc/backend-service.
Build the application by running mvn clean install
command from this directory. Distribution, backend-service.jar
be found at target directory.