- Vivek Iyer <vvi at sanger.ac.uk>
For giving life to this project, for connecting so many amazing professionals and for the opportunity to work in such an uncommon environment, with very unique and interesting chellenges - Christopher Harrison <ch12 at sanger.ac.uk>
For the numerous contributions, from probem solving, to documentation, to a good laugh or 2 - Dave Holland <dh3 at sanger.ac.uk>
For the controbutions to the python code for the Openstak APIs, and the deployment of Hail - James Beal <jb23 at sanger.ac.uk>
For the support in bug hunting, as well as a good lesson on I/O performances on large datasets computations - Aleksejs Sazonovs <as45 at sanger.ac.uk>
For the early testing on the Hail cluster - ISG Group <ISGGroup at sanger.ac.uk>
For the general support: there is always someone available to help