MSE-based HTTP Live Streaming library.
this lib allows to playback HLS streams on browsers supporting media source extension API.
the lib is written in EcmaScript 6, and transpiled using Babel.
MPEG-2 TS transmuxing is offloaded into a Web Worker.
working in Chrome (also on mobile device)
- VoD & Live playlists
- Sliding window (aka DVR) support on Live playlists
- Adaptive streaming
- Manual & Auto switching
- Accurate Seeking on VoD & Live
- ability to seek in buffer and back buffer without redownloading segments
(Multiple bitrate)#EXT-X-ENDLIST
(VoD / Live playlist)#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE
<script src="dist/hls.js"></script>
if(Hls.isSupported()) {
var video = document.getElementById('video');
var hls = new Hls(video);
hls.on(hls.Events.FRAMEWORK_READY,function() {
video is controlled through HTML <video>
standard control and events could be used seamlessly.
level duration could be retrieved by listening to hls.Events.LEVEL_LOADED
hls.on(hls.Events.LEVEL_LOADED,function(event,data) {
var level_duration = data.level.totalduration;
video duration can also be retrieved from <video>
element, but only after init segment has been appended into SourceBuffer.
hls.js handles quality switch automatically. it is also possible to manually control quality swith using below API:
return an array of available quality levels
[bitrate: 246440,
codecs: "mp4a.40.5,avc1.42000d",
height: 136,
name: "240",
url: "http://url1.m3u8",
width: 320
bitrate: 460560,
codecs: "mp4a.40.5,avc1.420015",
height: 216,
name: "380",
url: "http://url2.m3u8",
width: 512],
getter : Return the quality level of last loaded fragment
setter : set quality level for next loaded fragment, set to -1 for automatic level selection
tell whether auto level selection is enabled or not
getter : Return the capping/max level value that could be used by automatic level selection algorithm
setter : Set the capping/max level value that could be used by automatic level selection algorithm
default value is -1 (no level capping)
hls.js is compatible with browsers supporting MSE with 'video/MP4' inputs. as of today, it is supported on:
- Chrome for Desktop 34+
- Safari for Mac 8+
- IE for Windows 11+
- Chrome for Android 34+
- IE for Winphone 8.1+