Installation • Usage • License
RandomKit is a Swift framework that makes random data generation simple and easy.
- Xcode
- Version: 7.0
- Language: Swift 2.0
- OS X
- Compatible With: OS X 10.11
- Deployment Target: OS X 10.9
- iOS
- Compatible With: iOS 9.1
- Deployment Target: iOS 8.0
- watchOS
- Compatible With: watchOS 2.0
- Deployment Target: watchOS 2.0
- tvOS
- Compatible With: tvOS 9.0
- Deployment Target: tvOS 9.0
CocoaPods is a centralized dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift. Go here to learn more.
Add the project to your Podfile.
use_frameworks! pod 'RandomKit', '~> 1.5.0'
pod install
and open the.xcworkspace
file to launch Xcode. -
Import the RandomKit framework.
import RandomKit
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift.
Add the project to your Cartfile.
github "nvzqz/RandomKit"
carthage update
and follow the additional steps in order to add RandomKit to your project. -
Import the RandomKit framework.
import RandomKit
Try it out for yourself! Download the repo and open 'RandomKit.playground'.
Fake data can be generated from static methods found in Random
Generate a random gender with a 50/50 chance of being "Male" or "Female".
Generate a random phone number for a given US state.
Random.fakePhoneNumber() // 5808680873
Random.fakePhoneNumber(.Florida) // 7865276359
The default value for state is ._Any
Generate a random English honorific for a given type and gender.
Random.fakeEnglishHonorific() // "Prof."
Random.fakeEnglishHonorific(type: .Professional) // "Dr."
Random.fakeEnglishHonorific(type: .Common, gender: .Male) // "Mr."
Random.fakeEnglishHonorific(gender: .Female) // "Lady"
The default values for type and gender are ._Any
and .Either
Generate a random Int
from within an interval or 0...100
by default.
Int.random() // An Int within 0 and 100
Int.random(10...20) // An Int within 10 and 20
Generate a random floating point value from within an interval or 0.0...1.0
Double.random(-10...10) // -4.03042337718197
Float.random(-10...10) // 5.167088
and Bit.random()
have a 50/50 chance of being true
and One
Generate a random String
or Character
from within a Character
interval or
" "..."~"
by default.
String.random(10) // "}+[=Ng>$w1"
String.random(10, "A"..."z") // "poUtXJIbv["
Character.random() // "#"
Character.random("A"..."z") // "s"
A random String
or Character
can also be generated from an NSCharacterSet
String.random(10, .uppercaseLetterCharacterSet()) // "ṤՈ𝕮𝝘ꝻṄԱMĐŦ"
Character.random(.uppercaseLetterCharacterSet()) // "𝝙"
All types that conform to SequenceType
and/or CollectionType
have a random
property that returns a random element, or nil
if the collection is empty.
["Bob", "Cindy", "May", "Charles", "Javier"].random // "Charles"
"Hello".characters.random // "e"
Even Objective-C types that conform to either protocol get this property.
NSDictionary(dictionary: ["k1":"v1", "k2":"v2"]).random // (k1, v1)
NSSet(array: ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth"]).random // "Third"
Generate a random NSURL from a list of values.
NSURL.random() //
// ...
Generate a random date between two NSTimeInterval
values, or between 0.0
NSDate.random() // "Aug 28, 2006, 3:38 AM"
Generate a random color with or without the alpha being random as well.
NSColor.random() // r 0.694 g 0.506 b 0.309 a 1.0
NSColor.random(alpha: true) // r 0.859 g 0.57 b 0.409 a 0.047
UIColor.random() // r 0.488 g 0.805 b 0.679 a 1.0
UIColor.random(alpha: true) // r 0.444 g 0.121 b 0.602 a 0.085
Generate a random number from within an integer or double interval, or 0...100
by default.
NSNumber.random() // 79
NSNumber.random(-50...100) // -27
NSNumber.random(0...200.0) // 149.6156950363926
Get a random character from a character set.
NSCharacterSet.uppercaseLetterCharacterSet().randomCharacter // "Ǩ"
Generate a random float like how you would with Double.random() or Float.random(). The default interval is 0.0...1.0
CGFloat.random() // 0.699803650379181
CGFloat.random(0...100) // 43.27969591675319
Generate a random point from within intervals for x and y.
CGPoint.random() // {x 70.093 y 95.721}
CGPoint.random(0...200, 0...10) // {x 73.795 y 0.991}
Generate a random size from within intervals for width and height.
CGSize.random() // {w 3.744 h 35.932}
CGSize.random(0...50, 0...400) // {w 38.271 h 239.636}
Generate a random rectangle from within intervals for x, y, width, and height.
CGRect.random() // {x 3.872 y 46.15 w 8.852 h 20.201}
CGRect.random(0...50, 0...100, 0...25, 0...10) // {x 13.212 y 79.147 w 20.656 h 5.663}
Generate a random vector from within intervals for dx and dy.
CGVector.random() // {dx 13.992 dy 89.376}
CGVector.random(0...50, 0...10) // {dx 35.224 dy 13.463}
RandomKit and its assets are released under the MIT License. Assets
can be found in the assets