All projects under the Pylons Projects, including this one, follow the guidelines established at How to Contribute and Coding Style and Standards.
You can contribute to this project in several ways.
- File an Issue on GitHub
- Fork this project and create a branch with your suggested change. When ready, submit a pull request for consideration. GitHub Flow describes the workflow process and why it's a good practice. When submitting a pull request, sign CONTRIBUTORS.txt if you have not yet done so.
- Join the IRC channel #pyramid on
Git branches and their purpose and status at the time of this writing are listed below.
- master - The branch on which further development takes place. The default branch on GitHub.
- 1.9-branch - The branch classified as "alpha".
- 1.8-branch - The branch classified as "stable" or "latest".
- 1.7-branch - The oldest actively maintained and stable branch.
Older branches are not actively maintained. In general, two stable branches and one or two development branches are actively maintained.
Follow the instructions in HACKING.txt for your version or branch located in the root of the Pyramid repository to install Pyramid and the tools needed to run its tests and build its documentation.
Note: These instructions might not work for Windows users. Suggestions to improve the process for Windows users are welcome by submitting an issue or a pull request. Windows users may find it helpful to follow the guide Installing Pyramid on a Windows System.
Fork the repo on GitHub by clicking the [Fork] button.
Clone your fork into a workspace on your local machine.
git clone [email protected]:<username>/pyramid.git
Change directories into the cloned repository
cd pyramid
Add a git remote "upstream" for the cloned fork.
git remote add upstream [email protected]:Pylons/pyramid.git
Create a virtual environment and set an environment variable as instructed in the prerequisites.
# Mac and Linux $ export VENV=~/hack-on-pyramid/env # Windows set VENV=c:\hack-on-pyramid\env
into your virtual environment.$ $VENV/bin/pip install tox
Try to build the docs in your workspace.
$ $VENV/bin/tox -e docs
When the build finishes, you'll find HTML documentation rendered in
. Anepub
version will be in.tox/docs/epub
. And the result of the tests that are run on the documentation will be in.tox/docs/doctest
. -
From this point forward, follow the typical git workflow. Always start by pulling from the upstream to get the most current changes.
git pull upstream master
Make a branch, make changes to the docs, and rebuild them as indicated above.
Once you are satisfied with your changes and the documentation builds successfully without errors or warnings, then git commit and push them to your "origin" repository on GitHub.
git commit -m "commit message" git push -u origin --all # first time only, subsequent can be just 'git push'.
Create a pull request.
Repeat the process starting from Step 8.