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HMAC-based (HOTP) and Time-based (TOTP) One-Time Password manager. Works with Google Authenticator for Two-Factor Authentication.


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One-Time Password manager

One Time Password manager is fully compliant with HOTP (counter based one time passwords) and TOTP (time based one time passwords). It can be used in conjunction with the Google Authenticator, for Two-Factor Authentication, which has free apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry.

All methods described in both RFC are implemented in API.


Install module with: npm install --save otp.js

var OTP = require('otp.js');

Getting started

var OTP = require('otp.js');

// get HOTP object
var HOTP = OTP.hotp;

OTP Generation

    // generate otp for key '12345678901234567890' in string format
    var code = HOTP.gen({string:'12345678901234567890'});

    console.log(code); // print otp result => 755224
    console.error(ex); // print error occurred during OTP generation process

OTP Verification

    // verify otp '755224' for key '12345678901234567890' in string format
    var result = HOTP.verify('755224', {string:'12345678901234567890'});

    console.log(result); // print result => {delta:{int:0}}
    console.error(ex); // print error occurred during OTP verification process

Google Authenticator

var OTP = require('otp.js');

// get GoogleAuthenticator object
var GA = OTP.googleAuthenticator;

Base32 Keys

Google Authenticator requires keys to be base32 encoded.

RFC 3548

Google Authenticator requires an RFC 3548 compliant encoder.

OTP calculation will still work should you want to use other base32 encoding methods (like Crockford's Base 32) but it will NOT be compatible with Google Authenticator.

Code Generation

    // generate otp for base 32 encoded user secret
    var code = GA.gen(GA.encode('base 32 encoded user secret'));

    console.log(code); // print otp result => 6-digit number
    console.error(ex); // print error occurred during OTP generation process

Code Verification

    // verify otp 'XXXXXX' for base 32 encoded user secret
    var result = GA.verify('XXXXXX', GA.encode('base 32 encoded user secret'));

    console.log(result); // print result => {delta:#}
    console.error(ex); // print error occurred during OTP verification process

QRCode Generation

    // generate base32 secret
    var secret = GA.encode('base 32 encoded user secret') || GA.secret();

    // get QRCode in SVG format
    var qrCode = GA.qrCode('akanass', 'otp.js', secret);

    console.log(qrCode); // print svg => <svg xmlns="" width="215" height="215" viewBox="0 0 43 43">...</svg>
    console.error(ex); // print error occurred during QRCode generation

You can scan this qrCode with your Google Authenticator application to show result:



All examples assume as base:

  • var HOTP = require('otp.js').hotp;
  • var TOTP = require('otp.js').totp;
  • var GA = require('otp.js').googleAuthenticator;

HOTP.gen(key, [opt])

Returns a counter based one-time password.


Key for the one time password. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC. Key is an object with 2 exclusive attributes to define the key's format: ASCII string or Hexadecimal string (>=2-digit).

e.g: {string:'12345678901234567890'} or {hex: '3132333435363738393031323334353637383930'}


Object option to generate HOTP and can contain the following attributes:

  • counter: this should be stored by the application, must be user specific, and be incremented for each request. Counter is an object with 2 exclusive attributes to define the counter's format: integer (<=2^53) or hexadecimal string (<=16-digit).

e.g: {counter:{int:0}} or {counter:{hex:'0'}}

Default value is: {counter:{int:0}}

  • codeDigits: the number of digits in the OTP, not including the checksum, if any. If you want 6 digits and you add checksum, finally OTP length will be 7 digits.

Default value is: {codeDigits:6}

  • addChecksum: a flag that indicates if a checksum digit should be appended to the OTP.

Default value is: {addChecksum:false}

  • truncationOffset: the offset into the MAC result to begin truncation. If this value is out of the range of 0 ... 15, then dynamic truncation will be used. Dynamic truncation is when the last 4 bits of the last byte of the MAC are used to determine the start offset.

Default value is: undefined for dynamic truncation

  • algorithm: the algorithm to create HMAC (sha1, sha256, sha512)

Default value is: sha1

Finally, opt object will be like this:

Default value: {counter:{int:0}, codeDigits:6, addChecksum:false, algorithm:'sha1'}

HOTP.verify(token, key, [opt])

Check a counter based one time password for validity.

Returns null if token is not valid for given key and options.

Returns an object {delta: {int: #}} or {delta: {hex: '#'}}, following counter format, if the token is valid. delta is the count skew between client and server.


Passcode to validate


Key for the one time password. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC. Key is an object with 2 exclusive attributes to define the key's format: ASCII string or Hexadecimal string (>=2-digit).

e.g: {string:'12345678901234567890'} or {hex: '3132333435363738393031323334353637383930'}


Object option to verify HOTP and can contain the following attributes:

  • window: The allowable margin for the counter. The function will check 'W' codes in the future against the provided passcode. Note, it is the calling applications responsibility to keep track of 'C' and increment it for each password check, and also to adjust it accordingly in the case where the client and server become out of sync (second argument returns non zero).

e.g: if W = 50, and C = 15, this function will check the passcode against all One Time Passcodes between 15 and 65.

Default value is: 50

  • counter: this should be stored by the application, must be user specific, and be incremented for each success request if delta >= 0. Increment value will be delta + 1. Counter is an object with 2 exclusive attributes to define the counter's format: integer (<=2^53) or hexadecimal string (<=16-digit).

e.g: {counter:{int:0}} or {counter:{hex:'0'}}

Default value is: {counter:{int:0}}

  • addChecksum: a flag that indicates if a checksum digit should be appended to the OTP.

Default value is: {addChecksum:false}

  • truncationOffset: the offset into the MAC result to begin truncation. If this value is out of the range of 0 ... 15, then dynamic truncation will be used. Dynamic truncation is when the last 4 bits of the last byte of the MAC are used to determine the start offset.

Default value is: undefined for dynamic truncation

  • algorithm: the algorithm to create HMAC (sha1, sha256, sha512)

Default value is: sha1

  • previousOTPAllowed: a flag to allow OTP validation before current counter.

e.g: if P = true, W = 50, and C = 15, this function will check the passcode against all One Time Passcodes between 0 and 65 because min value must be always >=0

e.g: if P = true, W = 50, and C = 150, this function will check the passcode against all One Time Passcodes between 100 and 200

Default value is: {previousOTPAllowed:false}

Finally, opt object will be like this:

Default value: {window:50, counter:{int:0}, addChecksum:false, algorithm:'sha1', previousOTPAllowed:false}

TOTP.gen(key, [opt])

Returns a time based one time password.


Key for the one time password. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC. Key is an object with 2 exclusive attributes to define the key's format: ASCII string or Hexadecimal string (>=2-digit).

e.g: {string:'12345678901234567890'} or {hex: '3132333435363738393031323334353637383930'}


Object option to generate TOTP and can contain the following attributes:

  • time: the time step of the counter in seconds. This must be the same for every request and is used to calculate C.

Default value is: {time:30}

  • timestamp: OTP validity timestamp.

Default value is: {timestamp:new Date().getTime()}

  • codeDigits: the number of digits in the OTP, not including the checksum, if any. If you want 6 digits and you add checksum, finally OTP length will be 7 digits.

Default value is: {codeDigits:6}

  • addChecksum: a flag that indicates if a checksum digit should be appended to the OTP.

Default value is: {addChecksum:false}

  • truncationOffset: the offset into the MAC result to begin truncation. If this value is out of the range of 0 ... 15, then dynamic truncation will be used. Dynamic truncation is when the last 4 bits of the last byte of the MAC are used to determine the start offset.

Default value is: undefined for dynamic truncation

  • algorithm: the algorithm to create HMAC (sha1, sha256, sha512)

Default value is: sha1

Finally, opt object will be like this:

Default value: {time:30, timestamp:new Date().getTime(), codeDigits:6, addChecksum:false, algorithm:'sha1'}

TOTP.verify(token, key, [opt])

Check a time based one time password for validity.

Returns null if token is not valid for given key and options.

Returns an object {delta: #} if the token is valid. delta is the count skew between client and server.


Passcode to validate


Key for the one time password. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC. Key is an object with 2 exclusive attributes to define the key's format: ASCII string or Hexadecimal string (>=2-digit).

e.g: {string:'12345678901234567890'} or {hex: '3132333435363738393031323334353637383930'}


Object option to verify HOTP and can contain the following attributes:

  • window: The allowable margin, time steps in seconds since T0, for the counter. The function will check 'W' codes in the past and the future against the provided passcode. Note, it is the calling applications responsibility to keep track of 'C' and increment it for each password check, and also to adjust it accordingly in the case where the client and server become out of sync (second argument returns non zero).

e.g: if W = 5, and C = 100, this function will check the passcode against all One Time Passcodes between 95 and 105.

Default value is: 6

  • time: the time step of the counter in seconds. This must be the same for every request and is used to calculate C.

Default value is: {time:30}

  • timestamp: OTP validity timestamp.

Default value is: {timestamp:new Date().getTime()}

  • addChecksum: a flag that indicates if a checksum digit should be appended to the OTP.

Default value is: {addChecksum:false}

  • truncationOffset: the offset into the MAC result to begin truncation. If this value is out of the range of 0 ... 15, then dynamic truncation will be used. Dynamic truncation is when the last 4 bits of the last byte of the MAC are used to determine the start offset.

Default value is: undefined for dynamic truncation

  • algorithm: the algorithm to create HMAC (sha1, sha256, sha512)

Default value is: sha1

Finally, opt object will be like this:

Default value: {window:6, time:30, timestamp:new Date().getTime(), addChecksum:false, algorithm:'sha1'}


Returns base32 string.


Secret to encode


Returns string.


Secret, to decode, in base32


Returns random 16-digit base32 encoded secret.

GA.keyUri(user, issuer, base32Secret)

Returns string representation of key uri: otpauth://totp/issuer:user@host?secret=xxx&issuer=yyy


The user for this account.


The provider or service managing that account.


The secret in base32. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC.

GA.qrCode(user, issuer, base32Secret)

Returns string with image data - SVG format.


The user for this account.


The provider or service managing that account.


The secret in base32. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC.


Returns a time based one time password.


The secret in base32 to generate OTP. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC.

GA.verify(token, base32Secret, [window])

Check a time based one time password for validity.

Returns null if token is not valid for given key and options.

Returns an object {delta: #} if the token is valid. delta is the count skew between client and server.


Passcode to validate


The secret in base32 to validate OTP. This should be unique and secret for every user as this is the seed that is used to calculate the HMAC.


The allowable margin, time steps in seconds since T0, for the counter. The function will check 'W' codes in the past and the future against the provided passcode. Note, it is the calling applications responsibility to keep track of 'C' and increment it for each password check, and also to adjust it accordingly in the case where the client and server become out of sync (second argument returns non zero).

e.g: if W = 5, and C = 100, this function will check the passcode against all One Time Passcodes between 95 and 105.

Default value is: 6

Release History

Version Notes
1.1.0 Update dependencies & Update unit tests to be conform with [email protected] & travis config for latest node versions
1.0.4 Fix issue #1 & Update unit tests to be conform with [email protected]
1.0.3 Bug fixes with hexadecimal delta result
1.0.2 Bug fixes in verify methods results with hexadecimal format for negative value
1.0.1 Update README
1.0.0 Release Version
0.7.0 Version with Google Authenticator implementation
0.6.0 Version with TOTP verification implementation
0.5.1 Refactor tests - only unit tests
0.5.0 Option to allow validation for OTP were generated before current counter
0.4.0 Version with TOTP generation implementation
0.3.0 Add algorithm choice to generate and verify OTP (sha1, sha256, sha512)
0.2.0 Version with HOTP verification implementation
0.1.3 Update unit tests
0.1.2 Update tests and schemas validation
0.1.1 Update integration tests
0.1.0 Version with HOTP generation implementation
0.0.2 API movement
0.0.1 First Prototype


Copyright (c) 2014 Nicolas Jessel. Licensed under the MIT license.


HMAC-based (HOTP) and Time-based (TOTP) One-Time Password manager. Works with Google Authenticator for Two-Factor Authentication.







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