Starred repositories
Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
A generalized framework for prototyping full-stack cooperative driving automation applications under CARLA+SUMO.
Must-read Papers on Physics-Informed Neural Networks.
Deepdrive is a simulator that allows anyone with a PC to push the state-of-the-art in self-driving
Using reinforcement learning to teach a car to avoid obstacles.
Repository to store conditional imitation learning based AI that runs on CARLA.
Official github page of UCF SST CitySim Dataset
multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for large-scale traffic signal control.
Deep learning for Engineers - Physics Informed Deep Learning
ICML 2018 Self-Imitation Learning
SUMO adaptive traffic signal control - DQN, DDPG, Webster's, Max-pressure, Self-Organizing Traffic Lights
[T-ITS] Driving Behavior Modeling using Naturalistic Human Driving Data with Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Traffic simulation project for dissertation
deep reinforcement learing SUMO
The ROS interface as well as the Python packages for ProSeCo Planning
add this later
Teach a neural network to drive a car using reinforcement learning
majiaqi / OpenCDA
Forked from ucla-mobility/OpenCDAOpenCDA is a generalized framework for prototyping cooperative driving automation applications (e.g., cooperative perception, platooning) and automated driving components (e.g., perception, localiz…
www-rwl-com / OpenCDA
Forked from majiaqi/OpenCDAOpenCDA is a generalized framework for prototyping cooperative driving automation applications (e.g., cooperative perception, platooning) and automated driving components (e.g., perception, localiz…