When can I start working on my side project?
When can I spend time with my family?
When can I leave for that weekend camping trip?
If you work at a place where you have to punch a clock and have to put in a minimum number of hours per day or week, this little tool is for you.
By default, the tool thinks you work 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. If this is not true, you can update the defaults with the following commands:
$ ./free-time.js --config
Your current settings are: { week: 40, day: 8 }
$ ./free-time.js --config-hours-per-day 9
The settings have been updated: { week: 40, day: 9 }
$ ./free-time.js --config-hours-per-week 20
The defaults have been updated: { week: 20, day: 9 }
$ ./free-time.js --help
Usage: free-time.js [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-w, --week sets the period to 1 week. Default is 1 day
-t, --total <n> total hours to be worked for the set period
-h, --hours <n> total hours completed for the set period
-m, --minutes <n> total hours completed for the set period
-c, --config show configuration
--config-hours-per-day <n> update the default hours per day
--config-hours-per-week <n> update the default hours per week
$ ./free-time.js --hours 7 --minutes 18
You will have completed 8 hours for the day:
< Today at 4:55 PM >
|o_o |
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$ ./free-time.js -w --hours 34 --minutes 43
You will have completed 40 hours for the week:
< Today at 6:09 PM >
|o_o |
|:_/ |
// \ \
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/'\_ _/`\
MIT License Copyright © 2016 William Youmans