Bug fix for Minitest 5, thanks to https://github.com/cschramm
Added support for Test Unit, fixed RSpec deprecation warnings and fixed a dependency issue.
Thanks to:
https://github.com/stevenwilkin contributed code to display a warning for Mechanize users.
Dropped Ruby 1.8 support for this Gem because of conflicts with Nokogiri requiring a later version of Ruby. Instead, there is a new branch https://github.com/mattheworiordan/capybara-screenshot/tree/ruby-1.8-support which can be used if requiring backwards compatabiltiy.
Improved documentation, Ruby 1.8.7 support by not allowing Capybara 2.1 to be used, improved Sinatra support. RSpec screenshot fix to only screenshot when applicable: mattheworiordan#44
Support for Terminus, thanks to https://github.com/jamesotron
Previos version bump broke Ruby 1.8.7 support, so Travis CI build added to this Gem and Ruby 1.8.7 support along with JRuby support added.
After some consideration, and continued problems with load order of capybara-screenshot in relation to other required gems, the commits from @adzap in the pull request mattheworiordan#29 have been incorporated. Moving forwards, for every testing framework you use, you will be required to add an explicit require.
Merged pull request mattheworiordan#14 to limit when capybara-screenshot is fired for RSpec
Merged pull request from https://github.com/hlascelles to support Padrino
Removed unnecessary and annoying warning that a screen shot cannot be taken. This message was being shown when RSpec tests were run that did not even invoke Capybara
Updated documentation to reflect support for more frameworks, mattheworiordan#9
Removed Cucumber dependency mattheworiordan#7 Allowed PNG save path to be configured using capybara.save_and_open_page_path
More robust handling of Minitest for users who have it installed as a dependency mattheworiordan#5
Fixed bug related to teardown hook not being available in Minitest for some reason (possibly version issues). mattheworiordan#5
Added support for:
- More platforms (Poltergeist)
- Removed Rails dependencies (bug)
- Added screenshot capability for Selenium
- Added support for embed for HTML reports
Thanks to https://github.com/rb2k for 2 great commits
Added support for Minitest using teardown hooks
Added support for RSpec by adding a RSpec configuration after hook and checking if Capybara is being used.
Ensured that tests run other than Cucumber won't fail. Prior to this Cucumber was required.