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React Native Camera MLKit Example

An example project demonstrating the use of MLKit-based Text and Face Recognition features of react-native-camera.


Features of Basic Example + Face and Text Recognition.

Face Recognition: draws polygons around faces and red circles on top of face landmarks (ears, mouth, nose, etc.).

Text Recognition: draws polygons around text blocks and recognized within them.


  1. Run yarn install.

  2. Create Firebase project, generate google-services.json and place it into ./android/app folder, generate GoogleService-Info.plist and place it into ./ios/mlkit folder.

  3. Build project (you will likely need to manage signing if you are building for ios device)


  • Pull Requests are welcome, if you open a pull request we will do our best to get to it in a timely manner
  • Pull Request Reviews and even more welcome! we need help testing, reviewing, and updating open PRs
  • If you are interested in contributing more actively, please contact me (same username on Twitter, Facebook, etc.) Thanks!
  • If you want to help us coding, join Expo slack, so we can chat over there. (#react-native-camera)


Why is react-native-camera not listed as a dependency in package.json?

react-native uses metro for dependency resolution. In order to not recursively install this example into the node_modules of this example we use rn-cli.config.js to resolve react-native-camera. This also allows a quicker iteration when developing (without having to yarn install after every single change in react-native-camera).