diff --git a/assets/scripts/util.js b/assets/scripts/util.js
index a0336ad0f..a9eddbaf7 100644
--- a/assets/scripts/util.js
+++ b/assets/scripts/util.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// 设置自定义颜色
function setColorWithTemplate(template) {
- return function(color) {
+ return function (color) {
let custom_theme = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(template));
custom_theme.block.h1['border-bottom'] = `2px solid ${color}`;
custom_theme.block.h2['background'] = color;
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function setColorWithTemplate(template) {
let setColor = setColorWithTemplate(default_theme);
function customCssWithTemplate(template) {
- return function(jsonString) {
+ return function (jsonString) {
let custom_theme = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(template));
custom_theme.block.h1 = jsonString.h1;
custom_theme.block.h2 = jsonString.h2;
@@ -26,3 +26,83 @@ function customCssWithTemplate(template) {
let customCss = customCssWithTemplate(default_theme);
+// css转json
+function css2json(css) {
+ // Remove all comments from the css-file
+ while ((open = css.indexOf("/*")) !== -1 &&
+ (close = css.indexOf("*/")) !== -1) {
+ css = css.substring(0, open) + css.substring(close + 2);
+ }
+ // Initialize the return value _json_.
+ let json = {};
+ // Each rule gets parsed and then removed from _css_ until all rules have been
+ // parsed.
+ while (css.length > 0) {
+ // Save the index of the first left bracket and first right bracket.
+ const lbracket = css.indexOf('{');
+ const rbracket = css.indexOf('}');
+ // ## Part 1: The declarations
+ //
+ // Transform the declarations to an object. For example, the declarations
+ // `font: 'Times New Roman' 1em; color: #ff0000; margin-top: 1em;`
+ // result in the object
+ // `{"font": "'Times New Roman' 1em", "color": "#ff0000", "margin-top": "1em"}`.
+ // Helper method that transform an array to a object, by splitting each
+ // declaration (_font: Arial_) into key (_font_) and value(_Arial_).
+ function toObject(array) {
+ let ret = {};
+ array.forEach(e => {
+ const index = e.indexOf(':');
+ const property = e.substring(0, index).trim();
+ const value = e.substring(index + 1).trim();
+ ret[property] = value;
+ });
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Split the declaration block of the first rule into an array and remove
+ // whitespace from each declaration.
+ let declarations = css.substring(lbracket + 1, rbracket)
+ .split(";")
+ .map(e => e.trim())
+ .filter(e => e.length > 0); // Remove any empty ("") values from the array
+ // _declaration_ is now an array reado to be transformed into an object.
+ declarations = toObject(declarations);
+ // ## Part 2: The selectors
+ //
+ // Each selector in the selectors block will be associated with the
+ // declarations defined above. For example, `h1, p#bar {color: red}`
+ // result in the object
+ // {"h1": {color: red}, "p#bar": {color: red}}
+ // Split the selectors block of the first rule into an array and remove
+ // whitespace, e.g. `"h1, p#bar, span.foo"` get parsed to
+ // `["h1", "p#bar", "span.foo"]`.
+ let selectors = css.substring(0, lbracket)
+ .split(",")
+ .map(selector => selector.trim());
+ // Iterate through each selector from _selectors_.
+ selectors.forEach(selector => {
+ // Initialize the json-object representing the declaration block of
+ // _selector_.
+ if (!json[selector]) json[selector] = {};
+ // Save the declarations to the right selector
+ Object.keys(declarations).forEach(key => {
+ json[selector][key] = declarations[key];
+ });
+ });
+ // Continue to next instance
+ css = css.slice(rbracket + 1).trim()
+ }
+ // return the json data
+ return json;
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index d485cb6f5..18bab434d 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -131,9 +131,8 @@
一款高度简洁的微信 Markdown 编辑器
diff --git a/libs/scripts/FuriganaMD.js b/libs/scripts/FuriganaMD.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 93abc5a8c..000000000
--- a/libs/scripts/FuriganaMD.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * 注音功能来自于:https://github.com/amclees/furigana-markdown
- * 详见上述文档
- */
-(function (global, factory) {
- typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
- typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
- (global.FuriganaMD = factory());
-}(this, (function () {
- 'use strict';
- // This function escapes special characters for use in a regex constructor.
- function escapeForRegex(string) {
- return string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
- }
- function emptyStringFilter(block) {
- return block !== '';
- }
- const kanjiRange = '\\u4e00-\\u9faf';
- const kanjiBlockRegex = new RegExp(`[${kanjiRange}]+`, 'g');
- const nonKanjiBlockRegex = new RegExp(`[^${kanjiRange}]+`, 'g');
- const kanaWithAnnotations = '\\u3041-\\u3095\\u3099-\\u309c\\u3081-\\u30fa\\u30fc';
- const furiganaSeperators = '..。・';
- const seperatorRegex = new RegExp(`[${furiganaSeperators}]`, 'g');
- const singleKanjiRegex = new RegExp(`^[${kanjiRange}]$`);
- function isKanji(character) {
- return character.match(singleKanjiRegex);
- }
- const innerRegexString = '(?:[^\\u0000-\\u007F]|\\w)+';
- let regexList = [];
- let previousFuriganaForms = '';
- function updateRegexList(furiganaForms) {
- previousFuriganaForms = furiganaForms;
- let formArray = furiganaForms.split('|');
- if (formArray.length === 0) {
- formArray = ['[]:^:()'];
- }
- regexList = formArray.map(form => {
- let furiganaComponents = form.split(':');
- if (furiganaComponents.length !== 3) {
- furiganaComponents = ['[]', '^', '()'];
- }
- const mainBrackets = furiganaComponents[0];
- const seperator = furiganaComponents[1];
- const furiganaBrackets = furiganaComponents[2];
- return new RegExp(
- escapeForRegex(mainBrackets[0]) +
- '(' + innerRegexString + ')' +
- escapeForRegex(mainBrackets[1]) +
- escapeForRegex(seperator) +
- escapeForRegex(furiganaBrackets[0]) +
- '(' + innerRegexString + ')' +
- escapeForRegex(furiganaBrackets[1]),
- 'g'
- );
- });
- }
- let autoRegexList = [];
- let previousAutoBracketSets = '';
- function updateAutoRegexList(autoBracketSets) {
- previousAutoBracketSets = autoBracketSets;
- autoRegexList = autoBracketSets.split('|').map(brackets => {
- /*
- Sample built regex:
- /(^|[^\u4e00-\u9faf]|)([\u4e00-\u9faf]+)([\u3041-\u3095\u3099-\u309c\u3081-\u30fa\u30fc]*)【((?:[^【】\u4e00-\u9faf]|w)+)】/g
- */
- return new RegExp(
- `(^|[^${kanjiRange}]|)` +
- `([${kanjiRange}]+)` +
- `([${kanaWithAnnotations}]*)` +
- escapeForRegex(brackets[0]) +
- `((?:[^${escapeForRegex(brackets)}\\u0000-\\u007F]|\\w|[${furiganaSeperators}])+)` +
- escapeForRegex(brackets[1]),
- 'g'
- );
- });
- }
- let replacementTemplate = '';
- let replacementBrackets = '';
- function updateReplacementTemplate(furiganaFallbackBrackets) {
- if (furiganaFallbackBrackets.length !== 2) {
- furiganaFallbackBrackets = '【】';
- }
- replacementBrackets = furiganaFallbackBrackets;
- replacementTemplate = `$1`;
- }
- updateReplacementTemplate('【】');
- function addFurigana(text, options) {
- if (options.furiganaForms !== previousFuriganaForms) {
- updateRegexList(options.furiganaForms);
- }
- if (options.furiganaFallbackBrackets !== replacementBrackets) {
- updateReplacementTemplate(options.furiganaFallbackBrackets);
- }
- regexList.forEach(regex => {
- text = text.replace(regex, (match, wordText, furiganaText, offset, mainText) => {
- if (match.indexOf('\\') === -1 && mainText[offset - 1] !== '\\') {
- if ((!options.furiganaPatternMatching) || wordText.search(kanjiBlockRegex) === -1 || wordText[0].search(kanjiBlockRegex) === -1) {
- return replacementTemplate.replace('$1', wordText).replace('$2', furiganaText);
- } else {
- let originalFuriganaText = (' ' + furiganaText).slice(1);
- let nonKanji = wordText.split(kanjiBlockRegex).filter(emptyStringFilter);
- let kanji = wordText.split(nonKanjiBlockRegex).filter(emptyStringFilter);
- let replacementText = '';
- let lastUsedKanjiIndex = 0;
- if (nonKanji.length === 0) {
- return replacementTemplate.replace('$1', wordText).replace('$2', furiganaText);
- }
- nonKanji.forEach((currentNonKanji, index) => {
- if (furiganaText === undefined) {
- if (index < kanji.length) {
- replacementText += kanji[index];
- }
- replacementText += currentNonKanji;
- return;
- }
- let splitFurigana = furiganaText.split(new RegExp(escapeForRegex(currentNonKanji) + '(.*)')).filter(emptyStringFilter);
- lastUsedKanjiIndex = index;
- replacementText += replacementTemplate.replace('$1', kanji[index]).replace('$2', splitFurigana[0]);
- replacementText += currentNonKanji;
- furiganaText = splitFurigana[1];
- });
- if (furiganaText !== undefined && lastUsedKanjiIndex + 1 < kanji.length) {
- replacementText += replacementTemplate.replace('$1', kanji[lastUsedKanjiIndex + 1]).replace('$2', furiganaText);
- } else if (furiganaText !== undefined) {
- return replacementTemplate.replace('$1', wordText).replace('$2', originalFuriganaText);
- } else if (lastUsedKanjiIndex + 1 < kanji.length) {
- replacementText += kanji[lastUsedKanjiIndex + 1];
- }
- return replacementText;
- }
- } else {
- return match;
- }
- });
- });
- if (!options.furiganaStrictMode) {
- if (options.furiganaAutoBracketSets !== previousAutoBracketSets) {
- updateAutoRegexList(options.furiganaAutoBracketSets);
- }
- autoRegexList.forEach(regex => {
- text = text.replace(regex, (match, preWordTerminator, wordKanji, wordKanaSuffix, furiganaText, offset, mainText) => {
- if (match.indexOf('\\') === -1) {
- if (options.furiganaPatternMatching) {
- let rubies = [];
- let furigana = furiganaText;
- let stem = (' ' + wordKanaSuffix).slice(1);
- for (let i = furiganaText.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (wordKanaSuffix.length === 0) {
- furigana = furiganaText.substring(0, i + 1);
- break;
- }
- if (furiganaText[i] !== wordKanaSuffix.slice(-1)) {
- furigana = furiganaText.substring(0, i + 1);
- break;
- }
- wordKanaSuffix = wordKanaSuffix.slice(0, -1);
- }
- if (furiganaSeperators.split('').reduce(
- (noSeperator, seperator) => {
- return noSeperator && (furigana.indexOf(seperator) === -1);
- },
- true
- )) {
- rubies = [replacementTemplate.replace('$1', wordKanji).replace('$2', furigana)];
- } else {
- let kanaParts = furigana.split(seperatorRegex);
- let kanji = wordKanji.split('');
- if (kanaParts.length === 0 || kanaParts.length > kanji.length) {
- rubies = [replacementTemplate.replace('$1', wordKanji).replace('$2', furigana)];
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < kanaParts.length - 1; i++) {
- if (kanji.length === 0) {
- break;
- }
- rubies.push(replacementTemplate.replace('$1', kanji.shift()).replace('$2', kanaParts[i]));
- }
- let lastKanaPart = kanaParts.pop();
- rubies.push(replacementTemplate.replace('$1', kanji.join('')).replace('$2', lastKanaPart));
- }
- }
- return preWordTerminator + rubies.join('') + stem;
- } else {
- return preWordTerminator + replacementTemplate.replace('$1', wordKanji).replace('$2', furiganaText) + wordKanaSuffix;
- }
- } else {
- return match;
- }
- });
- });
- }
- return text;
- }
- function handleEscapedSpecialBrackets(text) {
- // By default 【 and 】 cannot be escaped in markdown, this will remove backslashes from in front of them to give that effect.
- return text.replace(/\\([【】])/g, '$1');
- }
- let FuriganaMD = {};
- FuriganaMD.register = function (renderer) {
- renderer.text = function (text) {
- let options = {
- furigana: true,
- furiganaForms: "()::{}",
- furiganaFallbackBrackets: "{}",
- furiganaStrictMode: false,
- furiganaAutoBracketSets: "{}",
- furiganaPatternMatching: true,
- };
- // console.log('override text render',text);
- // console.log('after add',addFurigana(text, options));
- return handleEscapedSpecialBrackets(addFurigana(text, options));
- };
- };
- return FuriganaMD;