I use this sample in Node.js workshops to showcase fundamentals of Node.js development using TypeScript.
You can find more material inclusive additional samples and exercises at https://rstropek.github.io/htl-mobile-computing/. This is the material I use when teaching mobile development at the HTL Perg. All the material is open source. Feel free to use and share it as you like.
- Installing Node.js and NPM
- Installing and working with packages (package.json)
- Working with TypeScript
- Installing TypeScript
- Type definitions
- Build scripts in package.json including some useful tools like concurrently, cpx, etc.
- General principles
- Modules
- Built-in API
- General principles
- Language basics
- Modules
- Async programming basics
- Installation
- Setting up router and pipeline
- Configuring a view engine
- Writing middlewares
- Jasmine basics
- Writing and working with unit tests