A self-service password reset portal for FreeIPA that allows FreeIPA users to change and reset their passwords without accessing the FreeIPA instance directly.
The Iris dependency has not yet been published to a Maven repository. You may need to download and install it in your local Maven repository before building and/or running the Free IPA password portal locally. |
The quick start requires docker engine and docker-compose. Please note that
the compose file uses privileged=true
in order to run on mac osx.
Don't move on to step 2 until the logs indicate the FreeIPA server has finished initializing.
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f
For example, you can add something like the following to your
file: freeipa.local.xxetus.com
The ipa-volume/pw-portal-freeipa-configurer.sh
script will be mounted
to the FreeIPA Docker container created via the docker-compose
and can be used to conveniently initialize the FreeIPA instance with
the pre-requisites for the password portal.
At this time the configurer script requires one argument; the password for the FreeIPA instance's admin account.
docker exec freeipa bash /root/shared/pw-portal-freeipa-configurer.sh 'testabc123'
The configurer scripts are parameterized and configured by default to work with this project's development environment.
4. locally publish the iris dependency``
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/xetus-oss/iris
cd iris
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
cd ../freeipa-pwd-portal
You'll need two terminals open.
In the first terminal, setup the configuration file and start the server:
cp server/config/application-dev.example.yml server/config/application-dev.yml
./gradlew server:bootRun
In the second terminal, setup and start the UI:
cd ui;
npm install;
npm run dev
You can then access the web UI at http://localhost:8080
When you're done, make sure to remove docker-compose resources:
docker-compose rm -s
The FreeIPA Password Portal is split into two parts:
- server: the API server, which consumes the FreeIPA instance and exposes API endpoints for following the password change and reset workflows; and
- ui: the UI server and app, which includes the configurably javascript client and node server to serve the javascript client.
This is caused by the named
service failing to start, which causes the
container's default ipactl start
command to fail. You can get around
this by manually starting the FreeIPA services:
docker exec freeipa ipactl start --ignore-service-failure