This is a 100%-Julia implementation of Gradient Boosting Regresssion Trees (GBRT) based heavily on the algorithms published in the XGBoost, LightGBM and Catboost papers. GBRT is also referred to as Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT).
- Currently,
Union{T, Missing}
feature type is not supported, but is planned. - Currently, only the single-valued models are supported. Multivariate-target models support is planned.
- Currently, only the numeric and boolean features are supported. Categorical support is planned.
- Currently, weights cannot be provided for each of the records. Support is planned.
A full-featured & batteries included Gradient Boosting Regression Tree library
Play nice with the Julia ecosystem e.g. Tables.jl, DataFrames.jl and CategoricalArrays.jl
Fit models on large data
Easy to manipulate the tree after fitting; play with tree pruning and adjustments
"Easy" to deploy
We fit the model by predicting one of the iris Species. To fit a model on a DataFrame
you need to specify the column and the features default to all columns other than the target.
using JLBoost, RDatasets
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
iris[!, :is_setosa] = iris[!, :Species] .== "setosa"
target = :is_setosa
features = setdiff(names(iris), ["Species", "is_setosa"])
# fit one tree
# ?jlboost for more details
xgtreemodel = jlboost(iris, target)
weight = 0.0
weight = 2.0
weight = -2.0
JLBoostTreeModel(AbstractJLBoostTree[eta = 1.0 (tree weight)
-- PetalLength <= 1.9
---- weight = 2.0
-- PetalLength > 1.9
---- weight = -2.0
], LogitLogLoss(), :is_setosa)
The returned model contains a vector of trees and the loss function and target
You can control parameters like max_depth
and nrounds
xgtreemodel2 = jlboost(iris, target; nrounds = 2, max_depth = 2)
weight = 0.0
weight = 2.0
weight = -2.0
weight = 0.0
weight = 1.1353352832366148
weight = -1.135335283236615
JLBoostTreeModel(AbstractJLBoostTree[eta = 1.0 (tree weight)
-- PetalLength <= 1.9
---- weight = 2.0
-- PetalLength > 1.9
---- weight = -2.0
, eta = 1.0 (tree weight)
-- PetalLength <= 1.9
-- SepalLength <= 4.8
---- weight = 1.1353352832366135
-- SepalLength > 4.8
---- weight = 1.1353352832366155
-- PetalLength > 1.9
-- SepalLength <= 7.9
---- weight = -1.1353352832366106
-- SepalLength > 7.9
---- weight = -1.1353352832366106
], LogitLogLoss(), :is_setosa)
Convenience predict
function is provided. It can be used to score a tree or a vector of trees
iris.pred1 = predict(xgtreemodel, iris)
iris.pred2 = predict(xgtreemodel2, iris)
iris.pred1_plus_2 = predict(vcat(xgtreemodel, xgtreemodel2), iris)
150-element Array{Float64,1}:
There are also convenience functions for computing the AUC and gini
AUC(-iris.pred1, iris.is_setosa)
gini(-iris.pred1, iris.is_setosa)
As a convenience feature, you can adjust the eta
weight of each tree by multiplying it by a factor e.g.
new_tree = 0.3 * trees(xgtreemodel)[1] # weight the first tree by 30%
unique(predict(new_tree, iris) ./ predict(trees(xgtreemodel)[1], iris)) # 0.3
One can obtain the feature importance using the feature_importance
feature_importance(xgtreemodel, iris)
1×4 DataFrame
│ Row │ feature │ Quality_Gain │ Coverage │ Frequency │
│ │ Symbol │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │
│ 1 │ PetalLength │ 1.0 │ 1.0 │ 1.0 │
Any Tables.jl compatible tabular data structure. So you can use any column accessible table with JLBoost. However, you are advised to define the following methods for df
as the generic implementation in this package may not be efficient
nrow(df) # returns the number of rows
view(df, rows, cols)
By default JLBoost.jl
defines it's own LogitLogLoss
type for binary classification problems. You may replace the loss
function-type from the LossFunctions.jl
type. E.g for regression models you can choose the leaast squares loss called L2DistLoss()
using DataFrames
using JLBoost
df = DataFrame(x = rand(100) * 100)
df[!, :y] = 2*df.x .+ rand(100)
target = :y
features = [:x]
warm_start = fill(0.0, nrow(df))
using LossFunctions: L2DistLoss
loss = L2DistLoss()
jlboost(df, target, features, warm_start, loss; max_depth=2) # default max_depth = 6
weight = 0.0
weight = 44.612004002983845
weight = 154.6983342417642
JLBoostTreeModel(AbstractJLBoostTree[eta = 1.0 (tree weight)
-- x <= 46.536465154493165
-- x <= 23.839977189260676
---- weight = 24.1331870564934
-- x > 23.839977189260676
---- weight = 77.6056535278851
-- x > 46.536465154493165
-- x <= 75.23969920009097
---- weight = 127.98866514146513
-- x > 75.23969920009097
---- weight = 175.1757472186601
], LossFunctions.LPDistLoss{2}(), :y)
You save the models using the
and load it with the load
function, "model.jlb")
testing save, "model_tree.jlb")
testing save
Tree 1
eta = 1.0 (tree weight)
-- PetalLength <= 1.9
---- weight = 2.0
-- PetalLength > 1.9
---- weight = -2.0
Sometimes, you may want to fit a model on a dataset that is too large to fit into RAM. You can convert the dataset to JDF format and then use JDF.JDFFile
functionalities to fit the models. The interface jlbosst
for DataFrame
and JDFFiLe
are the same.
The key advantage of fitting a model using JDF.JDFFile
is that not all the data need to be loaded into memory. This is because JDF
can load the columns one at a time. Hence this will enable larger models to be trained on a single computer.
using JLBoost, RDatasets, JDF
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
iris[!, :is_setosa] = iris[!, :Species] .== "setosa"
target = :is_setosa
features = setdiff(names(iris), [:Species, :is_setosa])
savejdf("iris.jdf", iris)
irisdisk = JDFFile("iris.jdf")
# fit using on disk JDF format
xgtree1 = jlboost(irisdisk, target, features)
weight = 0.0
weight = 2.0
weight = -2.0
xgtree2 = jlboost(iris, target, features; nrounds = 2, max_depth = 2)
weight = 0.0
weight = 2.0
weight = -2.0
weight = 0.0
weight = 1.1353352832366148
weight = -1.135335283236615
# predict using on disk JDF format
iris.pred1 = predict(xgtree1, irisdisk)
iris.pred2 = predict(xgtree2, irisdisk)
AUC(-predict(xgtree1, irisdisk), irisdisk[!, :is_setosa])
# gini
gini(-predict(xgtree1, irisdisk), irisdisk[!, :is_setosa])
# clean up
rm("iris.jdf", force=true, recursive=true)
Integration with MLJ.jl is available via the JLBoostMLJ.jl package
Currently has a CPU implementation of the xgboost
binary boosting algorithm as described in the original paper. I am trying to implement the algorithms in the original xgboost
paper. I want to implement the algorithms mentioned in LigthGBM and Catboost and to port them to GPUs.
There are two similar projects