Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
机器人视觉 移动机器人 VS-SLAM ORB-SLAM2 深度学习目标检测 yolov3 行为检测 opencv PCL 机器学习 无人驾驶
A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
The Kalibr visual-inertial calibration toolbox
A computationally efficient and robust LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO) package
A robust LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) package for Livox-LiDAR
A collection of GICP-based fast point cloud registration algorithms
🚕 Fast and robust clustering of point clouds generated with a Velodyne sensor.
CamOdoCal: Automatic Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of a Rig with Multiple Generic Cameras and Odometry
Thread pool implementation using c++11 threads
MSF - Modular framework for multi sensor fusion based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
Implementation of Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping (LIO-mapping)
IMU + X(GNSS, 6DoF Odom) Loosely-Coupled Fusion Localization based on ESKF, IEKF, UKF(UKF/SPKF, JUKF, SVD-UKF) and MAP
A simple method for finding the extrinsic calibration between a 3D lidar and a 6-dof pose sensor
Object (e.g Pedestrian, vehicles) tracking by Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), with fused data from both lidar and radar sensors.
R2LIVE: A Robust, Real-time, LiDAR-Inertial-Visual tightly-coupled state Estimator and mapping package
A Lidar-Inertial State Estimator for Robust and Efficient Navigation based on iterated error-state Kalman filter
Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera and 2d Laser
Intensity Scan Context based full SLAM implementation for autonomous driving. ICRA 2020
Robust Point Cloud Registration Using Iterative Probabilistic Data Associations ("Robust ICP")
[3DV 2021] DSP-SLAM: Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors
Robust Odometry and Mapping for Multi-LiDAR Systems with Online Extrinsic Calibration
Estimation of 2D odometry based on planar laser scans. Useful for mobile robots with innacurate base odometry. For full description of the algorithm, please refer to: Planar Odometry from a Radial …
Normal Iterative Closest Point (NICP) Algorithm C++ Library
Extrinsic Calibration of a Odom and 2d Laser