Note: We currently use
instead of these modules for our processor cores, because they handle more of the weird IEEE 754
denormal cases for better compatibility. These modules may still be useful for standalone
accelerators or other cases.
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BaseJump Floating-Point Arithmetic Core
This library implements IEEE-754 floating-point arithmetic operators: add, sub, mul, cmp, i2f, f2i.
These modules are parameterizable by exponent and mantissa bit-width (e_p, m_p), which the users
can specify to pick the floating-point encoding of their choice.
Typical values for these parameters are:
exponent (e_p) mantissa (m_p)
binary64 11 52
binary32 8 23
binary16 5 10
bfloat16 8 7
1. bsg_fpu_add_sub
- 3-stage pipeline.
- rounding mode is "round to nearest even".
- If either input is signaling NaN, the output is signaling NaN,
and invalid exceptinon is raised.
- If either input is quiet NaN, output is set to quiet NaN.
- If both inputs are infinite, output is set to either infinite or quiet NaN,
depending on sub_i and signs of inputs.
For example, pos_infty plus pos_infty results in pos_infty, whereas
pos_infty plus neg_infty results in quiet NaN.
- If either input is denormal, then output is set to quiet NaN,
and unimplemented exception is raised.
- If the sum or diff results in denormal, then output is set to zero,
and underflow exception is raised.
- If the result underflows, then the output is set to zero,
and underflow exception is raised.
- If the result overflows, then the output is set to infinity,
and overflow exception is raised.
2. bsg_fpu_mul
- 3-stage pipeline.
- rounding mode is "round to nearest even".
- If either input is signaling NaN, output is set to signaling NaN, and invalid exception is raised.
- If either input is quiet NaN, output is set to quiet NaN.
- If one input is infinite and the other is finite, then the output is set to infinity.
- If one input is infinite and the other is zero, then the output is set to quiet NaN,
and invalid exception is raised.
- If one input zero and the other is non-zero, then the output is set to zero.
- If both inputs are denormal, then the output is set to zero, and underflow exception is raised.
- If one input is denormal, and the other is not denormal, then the output is set to quiet NaN,
and unimplemented exception is raised.
- If the product results in denormal, then the output is set to zero,
and underflow exception is raised.
- If the result underflows, then the output is set to zero,
and underflow exception is raised.
- If the result overflows, then the output is set to infinitiy,
and overflow exception is raised.
3. bsg_fpu_cmp
- No pipeline stage.
- This module computes less-than, equal, less-than-or-equal.
- This module also computes min and max.
4. bsg_fpu_i2f
- 1-stage pipeline
- there is a port (signed_i) to decide whether the input integer is signed or unsigned.
5. bsg_fpu_f2i
- No pipeline stage.
- there is a port (signed_i) to decide whether the output integer is signed or unsigned.
- If the input is negative float and the output is chosen to be unsigned,
then the output is set to zero and invalid exception is raised.
- If the input is (+/-) zero, or exponent is too small or big, or the input is NaN,
then the output is set to zero and invalid exception is raised.
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