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Deploying OpenWhisk using Ansible

Getting started

If you want to deploy OpenWhisk locally using Ansible, you first need to install Ansible on your development environment:

Ubuntu users

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install ansible==

Vagrant users

Nothing to be done, Ansible is already installed during vagrant provisioning. You can skip setup and prereq steps as those have been done by vagrant for you.
You may jump directly to Deploying Using CouchDB

Mac users

It is assumed that a VM has been provisioned using Docker Machine.

brew install python
pip install ansible==

cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/mac setup.yml [-e docker_machine_name=whisk]

Hint: If you omit the optional -e docker_machine_name parameter, it will default to "whisk".
If your docker-machine VM has a different name you may pass it via the -e docker_machine_name parameter.

After this there should be a hosts file in the ansible/environments/mac directory.

To verify the hosts file you can do a quick ping to the docker machine:

cd ansible
ansible all -i environments/mac -m ping

Should result in something like:

ansible | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Using Ansible

Caveat: All Ansible commands are meant to be executed from the ansible directory. This is important because that's where ansible.cfg is located which contains generic settings that are needed for the remaining steps.

In all instructions, replace <environment> with your target environment. e.g. macif you want to deploy using a local mac setup. By default, if you omit the -i parameter, the local environment will be used.

In all instructions, replace <openwhisk_home> with the base directory of your OpenWhisk source tree. e.g. openwhisk


This step needs to be done only once per development environment. It will generate configuration files based on your local settings. Notice that for the following playbook you don't need to specify a target environment as it will run only local actions. After the playbook is done you should see a file called db_local.ini in your ansible directory. It will by default contain settings for a local ephemeral CouchDB setup. Afterwards, you can change the values directly in db_local.ini.

Ephemeral CouchDB

If you want to use the ephemeral CouchDB, run this command

ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> setup.yml
Persistent CouchDB

If you want to use the persistent CouchDB instead, you can use env variables that are read by the playbook:

export OW_DB=CouchDB
export OW_DB_USERNAME=<your couchdb user>
export OW_DB_PASSWORD=<your couchdb password>
export OW_DB_PROTOCOL=<your couchdb protocol>
export OW_DB_HOST=<your couchdb host>
export OW_DB_PORT=<your couchdb port>

ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> setup.yml

If you deploy CouchDB manually (i.e., without using the deploy CouchDB playbook), you must set the reduce_limit property on views to false. This may be done via the REST API, as in: curl -X PUT ${OW_DB_PROTOCOL}://${OW_DB_HOST}:${OW_DB_PORT}/_config/query_server_config/reduce_limit -d '"false"' -u ${OW_DB_USERNAME}:${OW_DB_PASSWORD}.


If you want to use Cloudant instead, you can use env variables that are read by the playbook:

export OW_DB=Cloudant
export OW_DB_USERNAME=<your cloudant user>
export OW_DB_PASSWORD=<your cloudant password>
export OW_DB_PROTOCOL=https
export OW_DB_HOST=<your cloudant user>
export OW_DB_PORT=443

ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> setup.yml

Install Prerequisites

This step needs to be done only once per target environment (in a local setup the development environment and the target environment are the same). It will install necessary prerequisites on all target hosts in the environment.

ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> prereq.yml

Hint: During playbook execution the TASK [prereq : check for pip] can show as failed. This is normal if no pip is installed. The playbook will then move on and install pip on the target machines.

Deploying Using CouchDB

  • Make sure your db_local.ini file is set up for CouchDB. See Setup
  • Then execute
cd <openwhisk_home>
./gradlew distDocker
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> couchdb.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> initdb.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> wipe.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> openwhisk.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> postdeploy.yml

You need to run initdb.yml on couchdb every time you do a fresh deploy CouchDB to initialize the subjects database. The playbooks wipe.yml and postdeploy.yml should be run on a fresh deployment only, otherwise all transient data that include actions and activations are lost.

Deploying Using Cloudant

  • Make sure your db_local.ini file is set up for Cloudant. See Setup
  • Then execute
cd <openwhisk_home>
./gradlew distDocker
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> initdb.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> wipe.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> openwhisk.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> postdeploy.yml

You need to run initdb on Cloudant only once per Cloudant database to initialize the subjects database. The initdb.yml playbook will only initialize your database if it is not initialized already, else it will skip initialization steps.

The playbooks wipe.yml and postdeploy.yml should be run on a fresh deployment only, otherwise all transient data that include actions and activations are lost.

Use ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> openwhisk.yml to avoid wiping the data store. This is useful to start OpenWhisk after restarting your Operating System.

Verification after Deployment

After a successful deployment you can use the wsk CLI (located in the bin folder of the repository) to verify that OpenWhisk is operable. See main README for instructions on how to setup and use wsk.

Hot-swapping a Single Component

The playbook structure allows you to clean, deploy or re-deploy a single component as well as the entire OpenWhisk stack. Let's assume you have deployed the entire stack using the openwhisk.yml playbook. You then make a change to a single component, for example the invoker. You will probably want a new tag on the invoker image so you first build it using:

cd <openwhisk_home>
gradle :core:invoker:distDocker -PdockerImageTag=myNewInvoker

Then all you need to do is re-deploy the invoker using the new image:

cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> invoker.yml -e docker_image_tag=myNewInvoker

Hint: You can omit the docker image tag parameters in which case latest will be used implicitly.

Cleaning a Single Component

You can remove a single component just as you would remove the entire deployment stack. For example, if you wanted to remove only the controller you would run:

cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> controller.yml -e mode=clean

Caveat: In distributed environments some components (e.g. Consul, Invoker, etc.) exist on multiple machines. So if you run a playbook to clean or deploy those components, it will run on all of the hosts targeted by the component's playbook.

Cleaning an OpenWhisk Deployment

Once you are done with the deployment you can clean it from the target environment.

ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> openwhisk.yml -e mode=clean

Removing all prereqs from an environment

This is usually not necessary, however in case you want to uninstall all prereqs from a target environment, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/<environment> prereq.yml -e mode=clean


Some of the more common problems and their solution are listed here.

Setuptools Version Mismatch

If you encounter the following error message during ansible execution

ERROR! Unexpected Exception: ... Requirement.parse('setuptools>=11.3'))

your setuptools package is likely out of date. You can upgrade the package using this command:

pip install --upgrade setuptools --user python

Mac Setup - Python Interpreter

The MacOS environment assumes Python is installed in /usr/local/bin which is the default location when using brew. The following error will occur if Python is located elsewhere:

ansible all -i environments/mac -m ping
ansible | FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "failed": true,
    "module_stderr": "/bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory\n",
    "module_stdout": "",
    "msg": "MODULE FAILURE",
    "parsed": false

An expedient workaround is to create a link to the expected location:

ln -s $(which python) /usr/local/bin/python

Spaces in Paths

Ansible and earlier versions do not support a space in file paths. Many file imports and roles will not work correctly when included from a path that contains spaces. If you encounter this error message during Ansible execution

fatal: [ansible]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "need more than 1 value to unpack"}

the path to your OpenWhisk ansible directory contains spaces. To fix this, please copy the source tree to a path without spaces as there is no current fix available to this problem.

Changing limits

The system throttling limits can be changed by modifying the group_vars for your environment. For example, mac users will find the limits in this file ./environments/mac/group_vars/all:

      perMinute: 60
      concurrent: 30
      concurrentInSystem: 5000
      perMinute: 60
  • The perMinute under limits->actions->invokes represents the allowed namespace action invocations per minute.
  • The concurrent under limits->actions->invokes represents the maximum concurrent invocations allowed per namespace.
  • The concurrentInSystem under limits->actions->invokes represents the maximum concurrent invocations the system will allow across all namespaces.
  • The perMinute under limits->triggers-fires represents the allowed namespace trigger firings per minute.