Welcome to the Hamster Key Generator Bot! This bot can generate hamster_kombat_bot mini games key for free !
- Support All Hamster Games
- No need referral
- Can be used as a website
- Generate codes from hamster servers
upload the source code in your web hosting and go to "/bot/index.php" and put this variables :
- put your MYSQL databas informations in line 11 ($DB)
- put your bot token in line 41 ($apiKey)
- put your website address in line 44 ($web_app)
- put your channel link and chatID and name in line 47-55 (bot most be admin in channel)
- then you have to set telegram webhook to turn your bot online (ENJOY)
- do not forgot to join our Telegram channel : osClub
Contributions are welcome! Please create a pull request with your proposed changes and ensure they adhere to the coding standards of the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.