ts | title | url |
ts | title | url |
20210131 | 2020年区块链生态安全态势年度报告 | https://ncstatic.clewm.net/rsrc/2021/0129/15/e93a0825fa2b6d35b2ee59b70fab6bbb.pdf |
20210131 | 2020年工业控制网络安全态势白皮书 | https://ncstatic.clewm.net/rsrc/2021/0126/18/b93622f8d42d6529cfc7ed8b03d48efe.pdf |
20210131 | 安全基线建设指南 | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ayhKILhCMUgFOKLcX0Y_3Q |
20210129 | CTF-小游戏解密俄罗斯方块 | https://www.hetianlab.com/specialized/20210126131003 |
20210129 | 一次hvv中的asmx上传绕过waf记录 | https://www.sec-in.com/article/854 |
20210128 | 远程命令与代码执行总结 | https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/229611 |
20210128 | 为被动扫描器量身打造一款爬虫 | https://paper.seebug.org/1473/ |
20210128 | 记一次面试bypass宝塔+安全狗的手注 | https://www.hetianlab.com/specialized/20210126141706 |
20210128 | CRC背后的故事 | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Qx6AuQkxqJO3Ob2REj9Myw |
20210128 | 破解与攻击智能门锁 | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IY6j0v9pG4j-JlozEk7Jzw |
ts | cve_id | title | url | cve_detail |
20210131T23:03:53Z | CVE-2021-3156 | A docker environment to research CVE-2021-3156 | https://github.com/apogiatzis/docker-CVE-2021-3156 | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
20210131T19:58:35Z | CVE-2021-3345 | Null | https://github.com/MLGRadish/CVE-2021-3345 | |
20210131T16:10:16Z | CVE-2021-3156 | Null | https://github.com/kal1gh0st/CVE-2021-3156 | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
20210131T13:08:37Z | CVE-2021-3156 | CVE-2021-3156 | https://github.com/ymrsmns/CVE-2021-3156 | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
20210131T07:02:46Z | CVE-2021-3156 | 复现别人家的CVEs系列 | https://github.com/Q4n/CVE-2021-3156 | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
20210131T00:21:17Z | CVE-2020-1350 | HoneyPoC: Proof-of-Concept (PoC) script to exploit SIGRed (CVE-2020-1350). Achieves Domain Admin on Domain Controllers running Windows Server 2000 up to Windows Server 2019. | https://github.com/ZephrFish/CVE-2020-1350 | A remote code execution vulnerability exists in Windows Domain Name System servers when they fail to properly handle requests, aka %Windows DNS Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability%. |
20210130T16:37:11Z | CVE-2021-3156 | This simple bash script will patch the recently discovered sudo heap overflow vulnerability. | https://github.com/elbee-cyber/CVE-2021-3156-PATCHER | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
20210130T12:40:23Z | CVE-2021-3156 | 1day research effort | https://github.com/kernelzeroday/CVE-2021-3156-Baron-Samedit | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
20210130T02:50:57Z | CVE-2021-3156 | Null | https://github.com/Serpentiel/CVE-2021-3156 | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
20210129T14:32:24Z | CVE-2021-3156 | Null | https://github.com/baka9moe/CVE-2021-3156-Exp | Sudo before 1.9.5p2 has a Heap-based Buffer Overflow, allowing privilege escalation to root via %sudoedit -s% and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character. |
ts | title | url | stars | forks |
20210131T22:11:22Z | Spring 2021 Geography 817 work folder | https://github.com/klee12/klee12.github.io | 0 | 0 |
20210131T21:04:51Z | Symbiotic is a tool for finding bugs in computer programs based on instrumentation, program slicing and KLEE | https://github.com/staticafi/symbiotic | 212 | 34 |
20210131T12:22:26Z | An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks% Klee One | https://github.com/lxgw/LxgwWenKai | 5 | 0 |
20210131T00:48:35Z | KLEE Symbolic Execution Engine | https://github.com/klee/klee | 1620 | 481 |
20210131T00:39:04Z | ( Create file store & Sell paid groups & Subscription system ) -> on kleeja | https://github.com/kleeja-official/kleeja_payment | 2 | 1 |
20210130T09:50:17Z | Null | https://github.com/h2q8khor/kleefgaqbv | 0 | 0 |
20210129T15:22:16Z | RVT is a collection of tools/libraries to support both static and dynamic verification of Rust programs. | https://github.com/project-oak/rust-verification-tools | 107 | 6 |
20210129T06:49:53Z | Null | https://github.com/fontworks-fonts/Klee | 340 | 9 |
20210129T04:16:14Z | Null | https://github.com/kleelab/kleelab.github.io | 0 | 0 |
20210128T22:07:42Z | The compiler inputs a PDDL benchmark of the Carpark planning problem and converts it to an equivalent C code which is used for solving the planning problem by program verification tools such as KLEE/TracerX. | https://github.com/daneshvar-amrollahi/Carpark-PDDL2C | 0 | 0 |
ts | title | url | stars | forks |
20210129T14:59:46Z | S2E: A platform for multi-path program analysis with selective symbolic execution. | https://github.com/S2E/s2e | 96 | 22 |
20210126T23:21:10Z | Your S2E project management tools. Visit https://s2e.systems/docs to get started. | https://github.com/S2E/s2e-env | 70 | 30 |
20210125T15:40:42Z | Null | https://github.com/yuvalkirstain/s2e-coref | 1 | 1 |
20210118T16:24:13Z | Null | https://github.com/sabasabzeh/s2Exercise | 0 | 0 |
20210111T14:49:47Z | Convert geojson to s2 region cells in different levels | https://github.com/ponlawat-w/uji_mt-s2encoding | 0 | 0 |
20210108T20:19:44Z | Robo Hazel is a robot prototype made using Arduino and WIZnet S2E module to advance industry 4.0 and solve the problem of message delivery. | https://github.com/hamzakhalidhk/RoboHazel | 0 | 0 |
20210108T15:14:31Z | Convert geojson to s2 region cells in different levels | https://github.com/ponlawat-w/uji_mt-geojson_s2encoding | 0 | 0 |
20210106T02:55:41Z | GUI Configuration tool for WIZnet serial to ethernet devices. | https://github.com/Wiznet/WIZnet-S2E-Tool-GUI | 11 | 7 |
ts | title | url | stars | forks |
20210131T23:45:30Z | ASLR Evasion, Egghunters, SEH Overwrites | https://github.com/freddiebarrsmith/Advanced-Windows-Exploit-Development-Practice | 9 | 1 |
20210131T23:43:05Z | forked version of funtuna, a homebrew ps2 app launcher designed to ease the pain of getting a stable exploit for those that have a console uncompatible with FreeMcBoot that doesnt have a modchip | https://github.com/israpps/Funtuna-Fork | 1 | 0 |
20210131T22:25:55Z | In this paper I will initially retrace the path marked by Ray C. Fair with his long lasting series of presidential elections forecasts exploiting the same variables he uses but enriching the model with panel data. Exploiting the Fixed Effects estimation I will then add new variables that, according to our intuition, could lead to an overall improvement of the model and test for them applying the LASSO algorithm for model selection. I will finally infer the results and explore the possible challenges in disentangling causality from correlation | https://github.com/Hainexx/A_Brief_Panel_Data_Analysis_to_Forecast_US_Presidential_Elections | 0 | 0 |
20210131T22:24:48Z | Testing the hyphotesis of cointegration of two term structures through Dickey-Fuller tests and Engle-Granger causality. Finally I exploit the VECM to infer the model and through the Cholesky decomposition I analyze SIRF and FEVD | https://github.com/Hainexx/A_Brief_Time_Series_Analysis_of_German_Bund_Term_Structure_of_Interest_Rate | 0 | 0 |
20210131T22:23:26Z | I designed a naive shiny web application which is intended to take a string of words and predict the next possible word based on the probability of occurrence exploiting Markov chains. | https://github.com/Hainexx/An_NLP_algorithm_for_interactive_prediction | 0 | 0 |
20210131T22:10:50Z | Thi powershell script has got to run in remote windows host, even for pivoting | https://github.com/FabioDefilippo/winallenum | 0 | 1 |
20210131T22:09:36Z | We all know Rust%s trait system is Turing complete, so tell me, why aren%t we exploiting this??? | https://github.com/doctorn/trait-eval | 322 | 9 |
20210131T21:32:12Z | This bash script will help you to hack remote hosts | https://github.com/FabioDefilippo/linuxallremote | 4 | 1 |
20210131T21:26:05Z | Old and new CTFs about Linux kernel exploitation. | https://github.com/MaherAzzouzi/LinuxKernelExploitation | 1 | 0 |
20210131T21:10:33Z | Null | https://github.com/VoleNN420/Exploit | 0 | 0 |
ts | title | url | stars | forks |
20210131T23:42:23Z | ez mode | https://github.com/YeahOMA/omaBackdoor | 0 | 0 |
20210131T23:21:46Z | TrojanZoo provides a universal pytorch platform to conduct security researches (especially backdoor attacks/defenses) of image classification in deep learning. | https://github.com/ain-soph/trojanzoo | 33 | 7 |
20210131T22:36:49Z | A backdoor which is similar to Meterpreter. | https://github.com/0xStressedd/RemoteCMD | 2 | 0 |
20210131T22:01:47Z | Hacking tools pack & backdoors generator. | https://github.com/AdrMXR/KitHack | 332 | 57 |
20210131T21:53:08Z | Open-Source PowerShell module to allow online play of Backdoors & Breaches card game devised by Black Hills Information Security | https://github.com/TheShiShiLion/BackdoorsAndBreaches | 1 | 0 |
20210131T19:58:46Z | Null | https://github.com/1MiKHalyCH1/backdoored_cipher | 0 | 0 |
20210131T13:07:05Z | A curated list of backdoor learning resources | https://github.com/THUYimingLi/backdoor-learning-resources | 160 | 23 |
20210131T12:40:54Z | Null | https://github.com/cherryBasher/BlackEyeS | 0 | 0 |
20210131T12:40:11Z | Null | https://github.com/cherryBasher/BlackEyeS_Installer | 0 | 0 |
20210131T11:07:20Z | Null | https://github.com/rabbitx1337/backdoor | 0 | 0 |
ts | title | url | stars | forks |
20210131T23:58:36Z | go-fuzz corpus data for Matt Layher%s projects. MIT Licensed. | https://github.com/mdlayher/fuzz-corpus | 2 | 1 |
20210131T23:51:39Z | Includes Fuzzy Set Algorithms, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Algorithms and Fuzzy Cluster Validity Indexes | https://github.com/ibrahimayaz/PyFuzzySet | 0 | 0 |
20210131T23:50:40Z | Software for fuzzing, used on web application pentestings. | https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool | 4 | 1 |
20210131T23:47:24Z | Towards fuzzing ROS 2 automatically | https://github.com/JnxF/automatic_fuzzing | 0 | 0 |
20210131T22:48:34Z | OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software. | https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz | 5829 | 1176 |
20210131T22:02:35Z | Dény® tools for archiving, visualization and fuzzing purposes. | https://github.com/iomonad/deny-toolkit | 0 | 0 |
20210131T21:58:18Z | Generate code for json encoders/decoders, codecs, fuzzers, generators, and more | https://github.com/MartinSStewart/elm-review-todo-it-for-me | 0 | 0 |
20210131T21:39:40Z | Burp Suite extension for Radamsa-powered fuzzing with Intruder | https://github.com/nscuro/bradamsa-ng | 11 | 5 |
20210131T21:35:47Z | Null | https://github.com/ArijZouaoui/Credit-Scoring-using-Fuzzy-Logic | 0 | 0 |
20210131T21:23:01Z | Personal website of Laurence Hughes | https://github.com/fuzzylogicxx/fuzzylogic | 4 | 1 |