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File metadata and controls

218 lines (186 loc) · 9.61 KB
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Configuration Overview

V2Ray shares a same structure of configuration between server side and client side shown as below. Server and client configurations are different in specific sections.

Below is the top level structure of the configuration. Each section has its own format.

  "log": {},
  "api": {},
  "dns": {},
  "stats": {},
  "routing": {},
  "policy": {},
  "inbound": {},
  "outbound": {},
  "inboundDetour": [],
  "outboundDetour": [],
  "transport": {}


  • log: log configuration. See below for detail.
  • api: RPC API to control the V2Ray instance. See API configuration for details.
  • dns: Internal DNS server's configurations, if this section is omitted or empty, V2Ray will use your system-wide DNS configuration. For details, see DNS Configurations.
  • stats: When specified, internal Statistics is enabled.
  • policy: Configurations for permissions and other security strategies. For details, see Local Policy.
  • routing: Routing configuration.
  • inbound: master inbound interface configuration.
  • outbound: master outbound interface configuration.
  • inboundDetour: extra inbound interfaces configurations.
  • outboundDetour: extra outbound interfaces configurations.
  • transport: low-level transport protocol's configurations. For details, see Protocol Transport Options.

Log configuration {#log}

  "access": "/path/to/file",
  "error": "/path/to/file",
  "loglevel": "warning"


  • access: Path of access log, available examples are:
    • A legal path of file, such as "/tmp/v2ray/_access.log"(Linux), or "C:\\Temp\\v2ray\\_access.log"(Windows);
    • Leave it empty to discard logs, and content will send out through stdout.
  • error: Path of error log, available examples are:
    • A legal path of file, such as "/tmp/v2ray/_error.log"(Linux), or "C:\\Temp\\v2ray\\_error.log"(Windows);
    • Leave it empty to discard logs, and content will send out through stdout.
  • loglevel: Level of log files, available values are"debug""info""warning""error", and"none";
    • Among all of these levels, "debug" leaves the most log, "error" leaves the least log.
    • "none" would discard all error logs.
    • Default value is "warning" if you leave it empty.

Log levels:

  • debug: Information for developers only.
  • info: Information for current state of V2Ray. Users don't have to take care of those.
  • warning: Something wrong with the environment, usually outside of V2Ray, e.g., network breakage. V2Ray still runs, but users may experience some breakages.
  • error: Something severely wrong, that V2Ray can't run at all.

Master Inbound Interface Configurations {#inbound}

Master inbound interface is used to receive data from clients, browsers, or other parent proxy servers, available protocols are listed at Protocols.

  "port": 1080,
  "listen": "",
  "protocol": "protocol_name",
  "settings": {},
  "streamSettings": {},
  "tag": "inbound_tag_name",
  "domainOverride": ["http", "tls"],
  "sniffing": {
    "enabled": false,
    "destOverride": ["http", "tls"]


  • port: listening port.
  • port: port to be listen from. Accepted formats are:
    • Integer: actual port number.
    • Env variable (V2Ray 3.23+): Beginning with "env:", an env variable specifies the port in string format, such as "env:PORT". V2Ray will decode the variable as string.
    • String (V2Ray 3.23+): A numberic string value, such as "1234".
  • listen: listening IP address, default value is "".
  • protocol: protocol name, all available values are listed at Protocols.
  • settings: Protocol-specific settings, details are at protocols' detail pages.
  • streamSettings: see Protocol Transport Options.
  • tag: This inbound interface's tag, which should be unique among all inbound/outbound interfaces.
  • domainOverride: recognize specific protocols' packets and redirects its request targets.
    • Accepts an array of strings, default value is empty.
    • Available values are "http" and "tls".
    • (V2Ray 3.32+) Deprecated. Use sniffing. When domainOverride is set but sniffing is not set, V2Ray will enable sniffing anyway.
  • sniffing (V2Ray 3.32+): Try to sniff current connection.
    • enabled: Whether or not to enable sniffing.
    • destOverride: When current connection uses a protocol specified in the list, override its destination by sniff'ed destination.
      • Available values are "http" and "tls".

Master Outbound Interface Configurations {#outbound}

Master outbound interface is used to send data to remote servers or next proxy server. Available protocols are listed at Protocols.

  "sendThrough": "",
  "protocol": "protocol_name",
  "settings": {},
  "tag": "this_outbound_tag_name",
  "streamSettings": {},
  "proxySettings": {
    "tag": "another_outbound_tag_name"
  "mux": {}


  • sendThrough: The network interface (IP) to send data, available when multiple IPs shown, default value is "".
  • protocol: protocol name, all available values are listed at Protocols.
  • settings: Protocol-specific settings, details are at protocols' detail pages.
  • tag: This outbound interface's tag, which should be unique among all inbound/outbound interfaces.
  • streamSettings: see Protocol Transport Options.
  • proxySettings: Proxy for outbound connections. When this is set, streamSettings of this outbound will be omitted and disabled.
    • tag: When another outbound tag is specified, the data would be send via to the specified outbound.
  • mux: Mux Configurations.

Extra Inbound Interfaces Configurations {#inbound-detour}

This section is an array contains multiple extra inbound interfaces' configurations, each are using the structure like below:

  "protocol": "protocol_name",
  "port": "port_number",
  "tag": "this_inbound_tag_name",
  "listen": "",
  "allocate": {
    "strategy": "always",
    "refresh": 5,
    "concurrency": 3
  "settings": {},
  "streamSettings": {},
  "domainOverride": ["http", "tls"],
  "sniffing": {
    "enabled": false,
    "destOverride": ["http", "tls"]


  • protocol: protocol name, all available values are listed at Protocols.
  • port: port to be listen from. Accepted formats are:
    • Integer: actual port number.
    • Env variable: Beginning with "env:", an env variable specifies the port in string format, such as "env:PORT". V2Ray will decode the variable as string.
    • String: Either a numberic string value, such as "1234", or a port range like "5-10" which stands for port number 5 to 10.
  • tag: This inbound interface's tag, which should be unique among all inbound/outbound interfaces.
  • listen: listening IP address, default value is "".
  • allocate: Allocation options:
    • strategy: Allocation strategies, available values are "always" and "random". For "always" option, all ports will be listening specified by "port" settings; for "random", every certain minutes would choose certain ports among the port ranges, configured by "refresh", "port", and "concurrency".
    • refresh: The interval refreshing random ports, with unit of minutes. Minimum value is 2, recommended value is 5. This setting will only take effect when strategy = random.
    • concurrency: Number of random ports. Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 1/3 of ports' range. Recommended value is 3.
  • settings: Protocol-specific settings, details are at protocols' detail pages.
  • streamSettings: see Protocol Transport Options.
  • domainOverride: recognize specific protocols' packets and redirects its request targets.
    • Accepts an array of strings, default value is empty.
    • Available values are "http" and "tls".
    • (V2Ray 3.32+) Deprecated. Use sniffing. When domainOverride is set but sniffing is not set, V2Ray will enable sniffing anyway.
  • sniffing (V2Ray 3.32+): Try to sniff current connection.
    • enabled: Whether or not to enable sniffing.
    • destOverride: When current connection uses a protocol specified in the list, override its destination by sniff'ed destination.
      • Available values are "http" and "tls".

Extra Outbound Interfaces Configurations {#outbound-detour}

This section is an array contains multiple extra outbound interfaces' configurations, each are using the structure like below:

  "protocol": "protocol_name",
  "sendThrough": "",
  "tag": "this_outbound_tag_name",
  "settings": {},
  "streamSettings": {},
  "proxySettings": {
    "tag": "another_outbound_tag_name"
  "mux": {}


  • protocol: protocol name, all available values are listed at Protocols.
  • sendThrough: The network interface (IP) to send data, available when multiple IPs shown, default value is "".
  • tag: Outbound tag name of the current interface, data would be sent via this interface if this outbound is selected in routing configurations or other outbound's proxySettings.
  • settings: Protocol-specific settings, details are at protocols' detail pages.
  • streamSettings: For details, see Protocol Transport Options.
  • proxySettings: Proxy for outbound connections. When this is set, streamSettings of this outbound will be omitted and disabled.
    • tag: When another outbound tag is specified, the data would be send via to the specified outbound.
  • mux: Mux Configurations.