Reading and writing image, sound and npz file formats to and from xtensor data structures.
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xtensor-io is an early developer preview, and is not suitable for general usage yet. Features and implementation are subject to change.
offers an API to read and write various file formats into xtensor
data structures:
- images,
- audio files,
- NumPy's compressed storage format (NPZ),
- HDF5 files.
wraps the OpenImageIO, libsndfile, zlib, and HighFive libraries.
is a header-only library. We provide a package for the conda package manager.
conda install xtensor-io -c conda-forge
depends onxtensor
. -
, andHighFive
are optional dependencies toxtensor-io
is required to read and write image files.libsndfile
is required to read and write sound files.zlib
is required to load NPZ files.HighFive
(and theHDF5
library) is required to read and write HDF5 files.
All three libraries are available for the conda package manager.
You can also install xtensor-io
from source:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To try out xtensor-io interactively in your web browser, just click on the binder link:
To get started with using xtensor-io
, check out the full documentation
// loads png image into xarray with shape HEIGHT x WIDTH x CHANNELS
auto img_arr = xt::load_image("test.png");
// write xarray out to JPEG image
xt::dump_image("dumptest.jpg", img_arr + 5);
// load npz file containing multiple arrays
auto npy_map = xt::load_npz("test.npz");
auto arr_0 = npy_map["arr_0"].cast<double>();
auto arr_1 = npy_map["arr_1"].cast<unsigned long>();
// open a wav file
auto audio = xt::load_audio("files/xtensor.wav");
auto& audio_arr = std::get<1>(audio); // audio contents (like results)
// save a sine wave sound
int freq = 2000;
int sampling_freq = 44100;
double duration = 1.0;
auto t = xt::arange(0.0, duration, 1.0 / sampling_freq);
auto y = xt::sin(2.0 * xt::numeric_constants<double>::PI * freq * t);
xt::dump_audio("files/sine.wav", y, sampling_freq);
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