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Interactive HTML report

An interactive and tier-structured HTML report that shows the most relevant findings in the query cancer genome is provided with the following naming convention:


  • The sample_id is provided as input by the user, and reflects a unique identifier of the tumor-normal sample pair to be analyzed.
  • The tier_model is provided by the user and will be either ‘pcgr’ or ‘pcgr_acmg’

The report is structured in seven main sections, described in more detail below:

  1. Settings & annotation sources
    • Lists underlying tools and annotation sources (links and versions)
    • Lists key configurations provided by user
  2. Main results
    • Six value boxes that highlight the main findings of clinical relevance in the tumor:
      1. Mutational signatures - two most prevalent signatures (other than aging)
      2. Tier 1 variants (top four)
      3. Tier 2 variants (top four)
      4. Tumor mutational burden
      5. Microsatellite instability prediction
      6. Somatic copy number aberrations of clinical significance
  3. Somatic SNVs/InDels
    • Mutational burden (TMB)
      • given a coding target region size specified by the user (ideally the callable target size), an estimate of the mutational burden is provided
      • is presently only computed for tumor-normal input (e.g. vcf_tumor_only = false)
      • The estimated mutational burden is assigned a descriptive tertile based on thresholds defined by the user (these should reflect thresholds of clinical significance, and may vary for different tumor types)
    • Variant & tier statistics
      • indicate total variant numbers across variant types, coding types and tiers
    • Global distribution - allelic support
      • distribution (histogram) of variant allelic support for somatic variants (will only be present in the report if specific fields in input VCF is defined and specified by the user)
    • Global variant browser
      • permits exploration of the whole SNV/InDel dataset by filtering along several dimensions (call confidence, variant sequencing depth/support, variant consequence etc.)
    • Tier tables
      • Variants are organized into four tiers (interactive datatables) according to clinical utility
      • Users can choose between two tier models:
        • the original model (pcgr) that do not take into account tumor type of input when assigning variants to (top) tiers
        • the new model (pcgr_acmg) that takes into account tumor type of input and strength of clinical evidence when assigning variants to (top) tiers
      • Contents of the tier tables are outlined below
  4. Somatic CNAs
    • Segments - amplifications and homozygous deletions
      • Based on user-defined/default log-ratio thresholds of gains/losses, the whole CNA dataset can be navigated further through filters:
        • cytoband
        • type of CNA event - focal (less than 25% of chromosome arm affected) or broad
        • log ratio
    • Proto-oncogenes subject to copy number amplifications
      • Datatable listing known proto-oncogenes covered by user-defined/default amplifications and potential targeted therapies
    • Tumor suppressor genes subject to homozygous deletions
      • Datatable listing known tumor suppressor genes covered by user-defined/default losses and potential targeted therapies
    • Copy number aberrations as biomarkers for prognosis, diagnosis, and drug response
      • Interactive data table where the user can navigate aberrations acting as biomarkers across therapeutic contexts, tumor types, evidence levels etc.
  5. MSI status
    • Indicates predicted microsatellite stability from the somatic mutation profile and supporting evidence (details of the underlying MSI statistical classifier can be found here)
    • The MSI classifier was trained on TCGA exome samples.
    • Will only be present in the report if specified by the user in the configuration file (i.e. msi = true) and if the input is tumor-normal (i.e. vcf_tumor_only = false)
  6. Mutational signatures
    • Estimation of relative contribution of 30 known mutational signatures in tumor sample (using deconstructSigs as the underlying framework)
    • Datatable with signatures and proposed underlying etiologies
    • Will only be present in the report if specified by the user in the configuration file (i.e. mutsignatures = true) and if the input is tumor-normal (i.e. vcf_tumor_only = false)
    • Trimer (i.e. DNA 3-mer) normalization can be configured according to sequencing approach used (WES, WXS etc.) using the ‘mutsignatures_normalization’ option, as can the
      • minimum number of mutations required for analysis (option ‘mutsignatures_mutation_limit’)
      • the maximum number of mutational signatures in the search space (option ‘mutsignatures_signature_limit’)
      • possibility to discard any signature contributions with a weight less than a given cutoff (option ‘mutsignatures_cutoff’)
  7. References
    • Supporting scientific literature (key report elements)

Interactive datatables

The interactive datatables contain a number of hyperlinked annotations similar to those defined for the annotated VCF file, including the following:

  • SYMBOL - Gene symbol (Entrez/NCBI)
  • PROTEIN_CHANGE - Amino acid change (VEP)
  • CANCER_TYPE - Biomarker (tier 1/2): associated cancer type
  • EVIDENCE_LEVEL - Biomarker (tier 1/2): evidence level (A,B,C,D,E)
  • CLINICAL_SIGNIFICANCE - Biomarker (tier 1/2): drug sensitivity, poor/better outcome etc
  • EVIDENCE_TYPE - Biomarker (tier 1/2): predictive/diagnostic/therapeutic
  • DISEASE_ONTOLOGY_ID - Biomarker (tier 1/2): associated cancer type (Disease Ontology)
  • EVIDENCE_DIRECTION - Biomarker (tier 1/2): supports/does not support
  • DESCRIPTION - Biomarker (tier 1/2): description
  • VARIANT_ORIGIN - Biomarker (tier 1/2): variant origin (germline/somatic)
  • BIOMARKER_MAPPING - Biomarker (tier 1/2): accuracy of genomic mapping (exact,codon,exon)
  • CITATION - Biomarker (tier 1/2): supporting literature
  • THERAPEUTIC_CONTEXT - Biomarker (tier 1/2): associated drugs
  • RATING - Biomarker (tier 1/2): trust rating from 1 to 5 (CIVIC)
  • GENE_NAME - gene name description (Entrez/NCBI)
  • PROTEIN_DOMAIN - PFAM protein domain
  • PROTEIN_FEATURE - UniProt feature overlapping variant site
  • CDS_CHANGE - Coding sequence change
  • MUTATION_HOTSPOT - Known cancer mutation hotspot
  • MUTATION_HOTSPOT_CANCERTYPE - Hotspot-associated cancer types
  • TCGA_FREQUENCY - Frequency of variant in TCGA cohorts
  • ICGC_PCAWG_OCCURRENCE - Frequency of variant in ICGC-PCAWG cohorts
  • DOCM_LITERATURE - Literature links - DoCM
  • DOCM_DISEASE - Associated diseases - DoCM
  • INTOGEN_DRIVER_MUT - predicted driver mutation - IntOGen
  • CONSEQUENCE - VEP consequence (primary transcript)
  • HGVSc - from VEP
  • HGVSp - from VEP
  • ONCOGENE - Predicted as proto-oncogene from literature mining
  • TUMOR_SUPPRESSOR - Predicted as tumor suppressor gene from literature mining
  • ONCOSCORE - Literature-derived score for oncogenic potential (gene level)
  • PREDICTED_EFFECT - Effect predictions from dbNSFP
  • VEP_ALL_CONSEQUENCE - All VEP consequences (multiple transcripts)
  • DBSNP - dbSNP rsID
  • COSMIC - Cosmic mutation IDs
  • CLINVAR - ClinVar variant origin and associated phenotypes
  • CANCER_ASSOCIATIONS - Gene-associated cancer types from DisGenet
  • TARGETED_DRUGS - Targeted drugs from DGIdb-ChEMBL
  • KEGG_PATHWAY - Gene-associated pathways from KEGG
  • CALL_CONFIDENCE - Variant confidence (as set by user in input VCF)
  • DP_TUMOR - Variant sequencing depth in tumor (as set by user in input VCF)
  • AF_TUMOR - Variant allelic fraction in tumor (as set by user in input VCF)
  • DP_NORMAL - Variant sequencing depth in normal (as set by user in input VCF)
  • AF_NORMAL - Variant allelic fraction in tumor (as set by user in input VCF)
  • GENOME_VERSION - Genome assembly

Example reports:

The HTML reports have been tested using the following browsers:

  • Safari (10.0.3)
  • Mozilla Firefox (52.0.2)
  • Google Chrome (57.0.2987.110)

JSON (beta)

A JSON file that stores the HTML report content is provided. This file will easen the process of extracting particular parts of the report for further analysis. Presently, there is no detailed schema documented for the PCGR JSON structure. Examples (using R) on how to extract information from the JSON file will soon be posted here.

Output files - somatic SNVs/InDels

Variant call format - VCF

A VCF file containing annotated, somatic calls (single nucleotide variants and insertion/deletions) is generated with the following naming convention:


Here, the sample_id is provided as input by the user, and reflects a unique identifier of the tumor-normal sample pair to be analyzed. Following common standards, the annotated VCF file is compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix. Below follows a description of all annotations/tags present in the VCF INFO column after processing with the PCGR annotation pipeline:

VEP consequence annotations

  • Consequence - Impact modifier for the consequence type (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • Gene - Ensembl stable ID of affected gene (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • Feature_type - Type of feature. Currently one of Transcript, RegulatoryFeature, MotifFeature (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • Feature - Ensembl stable ID of feature (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • cDNA_position - Relative position of base pair in cDNA sequence (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • CDS_position - Relative position of base pair in coding sequence (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • CDS_CHANGE - Coding, transcript-specific sequence annotation (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • AMINO_ACID_START - Protein position indicating absolute start of amino acid altered (fetched from Protein_position)
  • AMINO_ACID_END - Protein position indicating absolute end of amino acid altered (fetched from Protein_position)
  • Protein_position - Relative position of amino acid in protein (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • Amino_acids - Only given if the variant affects the protein-coding sequence (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • Codons - The alternative codons with the variant base in upper case (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • IMPACT - Impact modifier for the consequence type (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • VARIANT_CLASS - Sequence Ontology variant class (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • SYMBOL - Gene symbol (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • SYMBOL_SOURCE - The source of the gene symbol (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • STRAND - The DNA strand (1 or -1) on which the transcript/feature lies (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • ENSP - The Ensembl protein identifier of the affected transcript (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • FLAGS - Transcript quality flags: cds_start_NF: CDS 5’, incomplete cds_end_NF: CDS 3’ incomplete (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • SWISSPROT - Best match UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot accession of protein product (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • TREMBL - Best match UniProtKB/TrEMBL accession of protein product (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • UNIPARC - Best match UniParc accession of protein product (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • HGVSc - The HGVS coding sequence name (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • HGVSp - The HGVS protein sequence name (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • HGVSp_short - The HGVS protein sequence name, short version (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • HGVS_OFFSET - Indicates by how many bases the HGVS notations for this variant have been shifted (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • MOTIF_NAME - The source and identifier of a transcription factor binding profile aligned at this position (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • MOTIF_POS - The relative position of the variation in the aligned TFBP (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • HIGH_INF_POS - A flag indicating if the variant falls in a high information position of a transcription factor binding profile (TFBP) (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE - The difference in motif score of the reference and variant sequences for the TFBP (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • CELL_TYPE - List of cell types and classifications for regulatory feature (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • CANONICAL - A flag indicating if the transcript is denoted as the canonical transcript for this gene (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • CCDS - The CCDS identifier for this transcript, where applicable (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • INTRON - The intron number (out of total number) (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • EXON - The exon number (out of total number) (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • DOMAINS - The source and identifier of any overlapping protein domains (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • DISTANCE - Shortest distance from variant to transcript (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • BIOTYPE - Biotype of transcript or regulatory feature (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • TSL - Transcript support level (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)>
  • PUBMED - PubMed ID(s) of publications that cite existing variant - VEP
  • PHENO - Indicates if existing variant is associated with a phenotype, disease or trait - VEP
  • GENE_PHENO - Indicates if overlapped gene is associated with a phenotype, disease or trait - VEP
  • ALLELE_NUM - Allele number from input; 0 is reference, 1 is first alternate etc - VEP
  • REFSEQ_MATCH - The RefSeq transcript match status; contains a number of flags indicating whether this RefSeq transcript matches the underlying reference sequence and/or an Ensembl transcript (picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option)
  • PICK - Indicates if this block of consequence data was picked by VEP’s –flag_pick_allele option
  • VEP_ALL_CONSEQUENCE - All transcript consequences (Consequence:SYMBOL:Feature_type:Feature:BIOTYPE) - VEP

Gene information

  • ENTREZ_ID - Entrez gene identifier
  • APPRIS - Principal isoform flags according to the APPRIS principal isoform database
  • UNIPROT_ID - UniProt identifier
  • UNIPROT_ACC - UniProt accession(s)
  • ENSEMBL_GENE_ID - Ensembl gene identifier for VEP’s picked transcript (ENSGXXXXXXX)
  • ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT_ID - Ensembl transcript identifier for VEP’s picked transcript (ENSTXXXXXX)
  • REFSEQ_MRNA - Corresponding RefSeq transcript(s) identifier for VEP’s picked transcript (NM_XXXXX)
  • CORUM_ID - Associated protein complexes (identifiers) from CORUM
  • DISGENET_CUI - Tumor types associated with gene, as found in DisGeNET. Tumor types are listed as unique MedGen concept IDs (CUIs)
  • TUMOR_SUPPRESSOR - Gene is predicted as tumor suppressor candidate according to (CancerMine)
  • ONCOGENE - Gene is predicted as an oncogene according to (CancerMine)
  • ONCOSCORE - Literature-derived score for cancer gene relevance Bioconductor/OncoScore, range from 0 (low oncogenic potential) to 1 (high oncogenic potential)
  • INTOGEN_DRIVER - Gene is predicted as a cancer driver in the IntoGen Cancer Drivers Database - 2014.12
  • TCGA_DRIVER - Gene is predicted as a cancer driver in the Pan-cancer analysis of cancer driver genes

Variant effect and protein-coding information

  • MUTATION_HOTSPOT - mutation hotspot codon in Format: gene_symbol | codon | q-value
  • MUTATION_HOTSPOT_TRANSCRIPT - hotspot-associated transcripts (Ensembl transcript ID)
  • MUTATION_HOTSPOT_CANCERTYPE - hotspot-associated cancer types (from
  • UNIPROT_FEATURE - Overlapping protein annotations from UniProt KB
  • PFAM_DOMAIN - Pfam domain identifier (from VEP)
  • INTOGEN_DRIVER_MUT - Indicates if existing variant is predicted as driver mutation from IntoGen Catalog of Driver Mutations
  • EFFECT_PREDICTIONS - All predictions of effect of variant on protein function and pre-mRNA splicing from database of non-synonymous functional predictions - dbNSFP v3.5. Predicted effects are provided by different sources/algorithms (separated by ‘&’):
    1. SIFT (Jan 2015)
    2. LRT (2009)
    3. MutationTaster (data release Nov 2015)
    4. MutationAssessor (release 3)
    5. FATHMM (v2.3)
    6. PROVEAN (v1.1 Jan 2015)
    8. DBNSFP_CONSENSUS_SVM (Ensembl/consensus prediction, based on support vector machines)
    9. DBNSFP_CONSENSUS_LR (Ensembl/consensus prediction, logistic regression based)
    10. SPLICE_SITE_EFFECT_ADA (Ensembl/consensus prediction of splice-altering SNVs, based on adaptive boosting)
    11. SPLICE_SITE_EFFECT_RF (Ensembl/consensus prediction of splice-altering SNVs, based on random forest)
    12. M-CAP
    13. MutPred
    14. GERP
  • SIFT_DBNSFP - predicted effect from SIFT (dbNSFP)
  • PROVEAN_DBNSFP - predicted effect from PROVEAN (dbNSFP)
  • M_CAP_DBNSFP - predicted effect from M-CAP (dbNSFP)
  • MUTPRED_DBNSFP - score from MUTPRED (dbNSFP)
  • FATHMM_DBNSFP - predicted effect from FATHMM (dbNSFP)
  • FATHMM_MKL_DBNSFP - predicted effect from FATHMM-mkl (dbNSFP)
  • META_LR_DBNSFP - predicted effect from ensemble prediction (logistic regression - dbNSFP)
  • SPLICE_SITE_RF_DBNSFP - predicted effect of splice site disruption, using random forest (dbscSNV)
  • SPLICE_SITE_ADA_DBNSFP - predicted effect of splice site disruption, using boosting (dbscSNV)

Variant frequencies/annotations in germline/somatic databases

Clinical associations

  • CLINVAR_MSID - ClinVar Measure Set/Variant ID
  • CLINVAR_ALLELE_ID - ClinVar allele ID
  • CLINVAR_PMID - Associated Pubmed IDs for variant in ClinVar - germline state-of-origin
  • CLINVAR_HGVSP - Protein variant expression using HGVS nomenclature
  • CLINVAR_PMID_SOMATIC - Associated Pubmed IDs for variant in ClinVar - somatic state-of-origin
  • CLINVAR_CLNSIG - Clinical significance for variant in ClinVar - germline state-of-origin
  • CLINVAR_CLNSIG_SOMATIC - Clinical significance for variant in ClinVar - somatic state-of-origin
  • CLINVAR_MEDGEN_CUI - Associated MedGen concept identifiers (CUIs) - germline state-of-origin
  • CLINVAR_MEDGEN_CUI_SOMATIC - Associated MedGen concept identifiers (CUIs) - somatic state-of-origin
  • CLINVAR_VARIANT_ORIGIN - Origin of variant (somatic, germline, de novo etc.) for variant in ClinVar
  • DOCM_PMID - Associated Pubmed IDs for variant in Database of Curated Mutations


  • CHEMBL_COMPOUND_ID - antineoplastic drugs targeting the encoded protein (from Drug-Gene Interaction Database, drugs are listed as ChEMBL compound identifiers)
  • CIVIC_ID, CIVIC_ID_2 - Variant identifiers in the CIViC database, CIVIC_ID refers to markers mapped at variant level, CIVIC_ID_2 refers to region markers (codon, exon etc.)
  • CBMDB_ID - Variant identifier in the Cancer Biomarkers database

Tab-separated values (TSV)

Annotated List of all SNVs/InDels

We provide a tab-separated values file with most important annotations for SNVs/InDels. The file has the following naming convention:


The SNVs/InDels are organized into different tiers (as defined above for the HTML report)

The following variables are included in the tiered TSV file:

1. GENOMIC_CHANGE - Identifier for variant at the genome (VCF) level, e.g. 1:g.152382569A>G
      Format: (<chrom>:g.<position><ref_allele>><alt_allele>)
2. GENOME_VERSION - Assembly version, e.g. GRCh37
3. VCF_SAMPLE_ID - Sample identifier
4. VARIANT_CLASS - Variant type, e.g. SNV/insertion/deletion
5. SYMBOL - Gene symbol
6. GENE_NAME - Gene description
7. CCDS - CCDS identifier
8. CANONICAL - indication of canonical transcript
9. ENTREZ_ID - Entrez gene identifier
10. UNIPROT_ID - UniProt protein identifier
11. ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT_ID - Ensembl transcript identifier
12. ENSEMBL_GENE_ID - Ensembl gene identifier
13. REFSEQ_MRNA - RefSeq mRNA identifier
14. ONCOSCORE - Literature-derived score for cancer gene relevance
15. ONCOGENE - Gene is predicted as an oncogene according to literature mining (CancerMine)
16. TUMOR_SUPPRESSOR - Gene is predicted as tumor suppressor according to literature mining (CancerMine)
17. DISGENET_CUI - Associated tumor types from DisGeNET (MedGen concept IDs)
18. DISGENET_TERMS - Associated tumor types from DisGeNET (MedGen concept terms)
19. CONSEQUENCE - Variant consequence (as defined above for VCF output:
20. PROTEIN_CHANGE - Protein change (HGVSp without reference accession)
21. PROTEIN_DOMAIN - Protein domain
22. CDS_CHANGE - composite VEP-based variable for coding change, format:
23. HGVSp
24. HGVSc
25. EFFECT_PREDICTIONS - as defined above for VCF
26. MUTATION_HOTSPOT - mutation hotspot codon in Format: gene_symbol | codon | q-value
27. MUTATION_HOTSPOT_TRANSCRIPT - hotspot-associated transcripts (Ensembl transcript ID)
28. MUTATION_HOTSPOT_CANCERTYPE - hotspot-associated cancer types (from
29. INTOGEN_DRIVER_MUT - Indicates if existing variant is predicted as
    driver mutation from IntoGen Catalog of Driver Mutations
30. VEP_ALL_CONSEQUENCE - all VEP consequences
31. DBSNPRSID - dbSNP reference cluster ID
33. TCGA_PANCANCER_COUNT - Raw variant count across all TCGA tumor types
34. TCGA_FREQUENCY - Frequency of variant across TCGA tumor types. Format: tumortype|
percent affected|affected cases|total cases
35. ICGC_PCAWG_OCCURRENCE - Mutation occurrence in ICGC-PCAWG by project:
36. CHEMBL_COMPOUND_ID - Compounds (as ChEMBL IDs) that target the encoded protein (from DGIdb)
37. CHEMBL_COMPOUND_TERMS - Compounds (as drug names) that target the encoded protein (from DGIdb)
38. CLINVAR - ClinVar association: variant origin and associated traits
39. CLINVAR_CLNSIG - clinical significance of ClinVar variant
40. GLOBAL_AF_GNOMAD - global germline allele frequency in gnomAD
41. GLOBAL_AF_1KG - 1000G Project - phase 3, germline allele frequency
42. CALL_CONFIDENCE - confidence indicator for somatic variant
43. DP_TUMOR - sequencing depth at variant site (tumor)
44. AF_TUMOR - allelic fraction of alternate allele (tumor)
45. DP_NORMAL - sequencing depth at variant site (normal)
46. AF_NORMAL - allelic fraction of alternate allele (normal)
47. TIER

NOTE: The user has the possibility to append the TSV file with data from other tags in the input VCF of interest (i.e. using the custom_tags option in the TOML configuration file)

Output files - somatic copy number aberrations

1. Tab-separated values (TSV)

Copy number segments are intersected with the genomic coordinates of all transcripts from GENCODE’s basic gene annotation. In addition, PCGR attaches cancer-relevant annotations for the affected transcripts. The naming convention of the compressed TSV file is as follows:


The format of the compressed TSV file is the following:

1. chrom - chromosome
2. segment_start - start of copy number segment
3. segment_end - end of copy number segment
4. segment_length_Mb - length of segment in Mb
5. event_type - focal or broad (covering more than 25% of chromosome arm)
6. cytoband
7. LogR - Copy log-ratio
8. ensembl_gene_id
9. symbol - gene symbol
10. ensembl_transcript_id
11. transcript_start
12. transcript_end
13. transcript_overlap_percent - percent of transcript length covered by CN segment
14. name - gene name description
15. biotype - type of gene
16. disgenet_cui - tumor types associated with gene (from DisGeNET, tumor types
   are listed as MedGen concept IDs (CUI)
17. tsgene - tumor suppressor gene status (CancerMine literature database)
18. p_oncogene - oncogene status (CancerMine literature database)
19. intogen_drivers - predicted driver gene status (IntoGen Cancer Drivers Database)
20. chembl_compound_id - antineoplastic drugs targeting the encoded protein
   (from DGIdb, drugs are listed as ChEMBL compound identifiers)
21. gencode_gene_biotype
22. gencode_tag
23. gencode_release