Build fully featured high performance apps in less time using FOAM.
- Application Speed
- Application Size
- Developer Efficiency
"Fast apps Fast"
FOAM is a modeling tool and class based object system. To use FOAM, you create a model of you class by describing the properties, methods, event topics, listeners, and dependencies of your class. FOAM takes this model and generates a usable JavaScript class along with several companion features such as database support and network marshaling.
While FOAM is written in JavaScript, it can be used to generate code for any language or platform. Android Java and iOS Swift support are planned features.
FOAM has no runtime dependencies, but uses a number of third party tools for unit tests, code coverage, linting. You can install all required tools by doing the following.
Install nodejs.
Run 'npm install' in the root of the FOAM repository, where package.json is found.
All code should folow the style guide.
npm test runs standard unit tests.
npm run testDebug runs the unit tests with a debugger.
npm run coverage runs code coverage and creates an html report in /coverage.
For in-browser testing, run your favorite web server at the root of the FOAM repository. In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000/test/browser/SpecRunner.html to run the unit tests.
- npm run doc generates HTML API documentation in doc/gen/.
Documentation is created by JSDoc with a plugin to account for FOAM's package structure and declarative nature. JSDoc modules correspond with FOAM packages. See ./doc/ for information on comment formatting.
Before contributing code to FOAM, you must complete the Google Individual Contributor License Agreement.